The Bachmann Boys Cut Down The ‘Horns


The 5th Annual Bloody Horns proved that “home-course advantage” in golf is no myth, as 20 year old Christopher Bachmann and his 17 year old brother Mathew Bachmann took home “the ‘horns” with a new tournament record 5-under par captain’s choice score.

The two birdied the 10th hole in a sudden death playoff against runners up Eric Gitter and Craig Czerniejewski in the gloaming light to win.

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The talented young punks – and I mean that, with all due respect! – are the sons of Dave Bachmann Jr, who owns and operates the Bull at Pinehurst Farms. So yeah, they might have had some good local knowledge helping guide them around!

For Mathew, the Bloody Horns was probably a cakewalk after finishing 2nd in the Wisconsin State Amateur last week at future US Open site Erin Hills GC. Word is, they stretched the lads out to 7600+ yards out there, so this home-course stroll through 7,435 yards of tucked pins was nothing!


Since Mathew will be at Marquette next year on a golf scholarship, and Christopher is at UW Green Bay, looks like dad is unlikely to let them come out to CzabeVegas to claim the 1st prize of 2 nights lodging and 2 rounds of golf. So Gitter and Czerniejewski will lay claim to the hook-up as runners up.

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Congrats as well to one Mike O’Neil, who ACED the impossible par-3 12th hole, playing an absurd 232 yards from the tips. Mike pushed a hybrid right, and watched it clatter off a tree, ricochet off the curb of the cart path, and then trickle-feed off a bunker face into the hole.

It was Mike’s 9th hole in one, or so he says. Hey Mikey! Time to buy some “Hole in One Insurance” buddy! This sport can get expensive!


Thanks to everybody who came out and took the full force of Jack Nicklaus’ design on a lovely Wisconsin Saturday afternoon. Let’s do it again next year, shall we?


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