CzabeVegas 6 – That’s A Wrap!


There’s always a period of mourning following my annual pilgrimage to Vegas. There’s of course, exhaustion. And naturally a pile of real-world things that need tending upon return. But more than anything, I just have to go through a bit of sadness knowing that I must wait another 360 days for this much fun.

CzabeVegas 6 was a rousing success. And it had nothing to do with me hitting my $1,000 pop this year, thanks to Gonzaga and Steve Alford pulling his starters with a 12 point game and 53 second remaining (dumb, but whatever dude, thanks!).

The event was a success because of the listeners who took a chance and came out to be a part of it. Without you guys (and gals) I would just be a bald lonely dummy with a sunburn on my neck from golfing, watching the games in solitude.

Instead, we turned this into a veritable “Steve Czaban Show” tent revival!

I have a lot of GREAT video footage of the events from the Ainsworth at the Hard Rock. And I plan to whip that into a nice little produced piece soon. In the meantime, here’s some photos, with explanations.

First, the above photo is of a group of us (not everyone) who were part of a party bus that went to the Foundation Room at Mandalay Bay and then Tryst nightclub at the Wynn. The assemblage of people was very haphazard, starting with me and my golf buddies, and then incorporating some other friends and CzabeVegas regulars, and then adding last minute “come-alongs” like Mr. X and another young buck I’d just me.

I insisted we go get a picture at the famous “Welcome to Vegas” sign, which now has it’s own parking lot to accommodate large groups and many cars of tourists wanting a photo. It’s a great idea by the city of Las Vegas. Once we stumbled out of the limo bus, a guy with a professional camera and an iPad approached.

“Hey guys… how’s it going…” he said. I immediately shot back: “Okay.. how much.”

He was calm and understanding of what probably sounded like a dickish response by me, but then explained that he has no “set rate” but rather he “gets paid by generosity.”

“You’re hired,” I said “let’s go.”

So we marched to the sign, and he proceeded to get this shot above, plus about a dozen more. Then he instantly air-dropped the hi-res pics to us via his iPad, and we were gone in less than 15 minutes. I paid him $60 and it was the best money spent all weekend. Had we tried to get a stranger to take a picture using our stupid phones, it would have been all dark and blurry and worthless.

I would highly recommend it.

There were highlights galore, like riding a mechanical bull at Planet Hollywood, the cart girl Amber at Bali Hai, watching not one but two of our listeners actually make (and win!) their FIRST sports wagers in their life, and of course the great Roy Wood Jr. buying the entire room shots of Fireball and leading a toast!

Thanks to the Hard Rock for hosting us, and thanks to my trusted wingman Scott Linn for doing great work meetin’ n’ greetin’ as well as Mikey O’Neil for playing door security, and Eric Git’r’done! for working the camcorder as I lost my mind celebrating the Gonzaga $1k win!

I can’t guarantee CzabeVegas 7 next year, but God-willing, this great tradition will endure for many years to come!

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Steve Czaban is a 25 year sports radio veteran, who hosts an afternoon drive show in Washington D.C. "Czabe" also writes and edits his own commentaries for and other on-line and print publications. He can be reached at


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