Julianne Hough, Diamond in the Rough


How many people know about this younger, sportier version of Meg Ryan? Not enough, in my opinion. That’s why I am here! You are welcome.

PS: She’s dating Washington Capitals winger Brooks Laich. Nice catch for him. We’ll see how long it lasts!

babe_hough1 hough_babe_3


  1. A gorgeous smoke-show grade blonde wrapped in Old Glory. How I long for the days when it was American as baseball, hot dogs, apple pie and Chevrolet, to ogle at gorgeous women without offending certain groups.

    I am heterosexual and I don’t apologize.

    The 21st century sucks.

  2. Saw her at a summer concert a few years ago. During the show she came into the stands to sing and basically saddled up next to me and belted out a song. To say she is hot would be an understatement. She was a stunner, and she could sing too!


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