Thursday, February 27, 2025
Your Guide to the CzabeCast Premium Subscription and CzabeCast App

Below is your guide to downloading and getting the most out of the FREE CzabeCast App as well as some tips for managing your Premium CzabeCast account if you are a subscriber, which we certainly hope you are!

If we haven’t covered something here, be sure to email or contact Czabe’s marketing guy, Chris Broussard at and let us know your question.

Getting the Free CzabeCast App

WHY YOU SHOULD GET THE APP: The Monday through Thursday episodes of the CzabeCast are free for the most part — except for the occasional mid-week Premium episode or some episodes Czabe may post when he is on vacation. The free episodes are distributed through all the major podcast networks — iTunes, Spotify, Google Play, iHeart Radio — and you can listen to those episodes through the player on your computer or phone like any other podcast. The CzabeCast app has several cool features in it and frankly is a better player than many of the other podcast apps out there, offering several cool features, which we will detail below.  Plus, downloading the app is totally free!

PREMIUM EPISODES ARE ONLY ON CZABE.COM AND ON THE APP:  The Friday episodes of the CzabeCast are typically only for Premium subscribers (click here to become a Premium subscriber). There are two ways to listen to the CzabeCast Premium episodes, on the web, or through the CzabeCast app.

WHERE TO DOWNLOAD THE APP: There are two versions of the CzabeCast App that you can download:


Tips for Using the CzabeCast App

Below are some of the most common questions we have received:

The Episode is Cutoff or Stops Playing in the Middle

Sometimes, technology doesn’t always work the way it should, and you may find an episode either won’t start playing, cuts off in the middle of the episode or frankly stops playing. One of the quick fixes is to delete the episode and redownload it. To do that:

  • Click in Blue Box to Delete — As depicted to the right, click on the blue box to the right and that will ask you if you want to delete the episode. Click yes and move to the next step
  • Click on White Box to Download — that same box that was blue, is now white with the same download arrow. Click on it, and it will start download the episode again and you can see the download percentage as it downloads.

How do I change the order of episodes?

The list of episodes can be displayed with either the oldest episode posted first, or the newest episode on the top. Just click the arrow on the top right of the screen to change the order to whatever you want.

  • Arrow Pointing Down — will display the most recent episodes first
  • Arrow Pointing Up — will display the oldest episodes first

Can I Control Which Episodes Are in My Feed

There are several ways to filter which episodes are displayed in your feed. If your screen isn’t showing the four we’ve highlighted below, just click on the “More” button and the rest of the options will come up. Click it again to return to the first screen.  Here is a quick description of a couple of the options:

  • Unplayed — will only show the episodes you haven’t listened to
  • Played — will only show the episodes you’ve already listened to.
  • Premium — will show just the Premium episodes
  • Bonus — will show only the episodes with Bonus content attached to them. Only a couple of episodes have had bonus content attached, but we hope to do that more in the future.

How Do I Control the Episode as It Is Playing?

Once you start playing an episode, there are several adjustments you can make as it is playing.

  • Manually Jump Ahead: you can drag your finger on the outside of the “Play Button” circle to jump around an episode, moving it forward or backward. You can also click on the “Now Playing” button on the bottom to launch the In App Player and you can drag your finger back and forth on the timeline.
  • Jump Ahead / Jump Back: You can also move forward or backward a predetermined amount of time, to skip over a commercial! The default for this setting is :30 seconds, but this length can be customized, which we will cover shortly.
  • Speed Up, or Slow Down: the playback speed of each episode can be changed to either 1.5x or 2.0x or 0.5x. Listen at whatever speed you want!

Customize Download and Playback Settings?

Within the App you can customize how many episodes to download, when to download them, as well as customize the Skip Ahead and Skip Backward times for the In-App player. You can also delete all downloads from your phone to free up space (don’t worry, you can always re-download them again) or go in and mark large blocks of episodes as being played.


FAQ's for CzabeCast Premium

Where Can I Listen to the CzabeCast Premium Episodes?

Generally, the premium episodes are available on Fridays. Because these episodes are for Premium Subscribers to the CzabeCast only, they are not distributed through the typical podcasting platforms — iTunes, Spotify, Google Play, etc. These episodes can be accessed in one of three places:

  1. Through the CzabeCast App (ding ding!)
  2. On the CzabeCast page on the Libsyn Website:
  3. On


Premium episodes are marked within the CzabeCast App with a lock as depicted to the right. Click on the episode and you will be prompted to login to CzabeCast Premium account to begin listening.

To login, use the email address and password you used when you subscribed. Don’t remember your password?

Then just click on the “Need Help? button and reset your password.



Canceling Your Subscription or Updating Your Payment

Your “CzabeCast Premium” account is managed through the Libysn platform. Libsyn handles all of the billing and management of the accounts.

To manage or update your account, or to cancel your subscription go to:

Make sure you are logged in, and click on View Account Settings as shown below:


If you need to change the credit card associated with your account, click on View Account Settings as show above, and then follow these two steps: