Daily Czabe: Hello, Pittsburgh. We Dance, Again!


With the Capitals Game 6 closeout of Columbus last night, we return to a familiar foe. No, “nemesis.” No… the Penguins are… our “daddy.” For the 4th time in the last 7 playoff appearances by each of us, the Caps and Pens shall meet. Last year, it did not end well. And of the last 10 meetings, the Caps have lost 9 of them.

The other day, I told my 15 year old who was struggling with her homework, that chemistry was my “El Guapo” back in the day. She stared at me blankly. I had to explain the scene in the great movie “The Three Amigos.” If your kids don’t understand it, well… here’s your link. Enjoy.

All The News That Matters To Me!






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