The Daily Czabe: Stuff I’ll Be Talking About Today


Once upon a time – 20 years ago – former Saints coach and beer sales legend Mike Ditka ran his mouth about how he would “trade his entire draft” for one player – Texas RB dynamo Ricky Williams.

Then he did, just that. Charlie Casserly, then my team’s GM at the time (Redskins) tells the story of how it all went down.


Bruno Sammartino has died. The wrestler was a legend, and some say is on the hypothetical “Mount Rushmore” of pro grapplers along with Hulk Hogan.


You’ll never believe this… but instant replay ISN’T WORKING WELL IN GERMAN LEAGUE SOCCER EITHER!


The NCAA has finally struck down their own version of prohibition. Good night, Eliot Ness! You are no longer needed!


In Russia, a trained bear hands the official game ball to the ref in soccer, and leads the fans in cheers. What could possibly, ever, go wrong?


  1. Love the Bob and Brian appearances, the pre-show information and the podcasts – long time fan dating back to 1 on 1 sports. Thanks!


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