Sunday, March 16, 2025
CzabeCast Premium Transition

We’re Changing Platforms from Libsyn to RedCircle

Hard to believe, but it has been over 18 months since we launched the Premium Edition of the CzabeCast. Many of you have been with me since that very first premium episode and have the ALE Coin to prove it! I am eternally grateful for your support and continued “1 percenter” status.

Since launching the Premium edition, there has been a constant drumbeat of two requests from listeners:

  1. Why can’t I just sign up and pay once per year?
  2. Why can I only listen to the Premium episodes on the CzabeCast app?


Well, we are moving the podcast to a new platform created by RedCircle and it solves both of those issues.

RedCircle was created by a couple of former Uber employees and offers a very sleek, simple interface for signing up and managing your account. They also currently host Tony Bruno’s podcast as well as Gerry Callahan’s. So I think we’re in good company with these guys.

The real key with the RedCircle platform is they offer the ability to listen to the premium podcast on multiple podcasting platforms, not just our own proprietary app (which is going away. More details below). You’ll be able to download and listen to the Premium episodes in many of the same apps you listen to other shows on, including the Apple Podcast app, which is where over 90 percent of our downloads are coming from already.

This is going to be a great move for the show, and we think for you the listeners. Unfortunately, we weren’t able to make this totally seamless, so there might be a couple of things you need to do. Below are details on the transition from all angles.

I am NOT a Premium Subscriber. What do I need to do?

First of all, shame on you.   😉

In all seriousness,  I am grateful for all support, even if you’re not ponying up the extra sheckles for the Friday shows. Since the first week of May, we have been posting the Monday thru Thursday free shows through Red Circle — so you more than likely have noticed no difference at all. You can still find the CzabeCast on Apple, Spotify, Google Podcast, Google Music, and more.

The one area this move might impact you is if you have been using the CzabeCast app to listen to the shows. That app is going to be going away. We’re going to still upload the free shows there for the next couple of weeks and the premium shows until the middle of June, but after that, it’s getting mothballed. One of the tradeoffs we had to make with this transition. But like we said above. there are lots of places you can still get the show and listen to it on free apps.

I have been a subscriber for a while, how do I move my subscription?

Unfortunately, there is not a way to automatically port your subscription over from Libsyn to RedCircle. And no, you’re not going to be able to stay on Libsyn. We’re going to be off that platform by the middle of June if not sooner.

So what I need you to do is resubscribe on the RedCircle platform and to time it over the next month for when your subscription renews so you don’t get double charged. Here are the steps:

  1. Cancel your subscription on Libsyn before your next billing date
  2. Then Resubscribe to the CzabeCast RedCircle

So for instance, if your subscription renews each month on the 15th, you can cancel your Libsyn account today and you’ll have access to the Premium episodes until May 15th through the CzabeCast app. Then just signup on RedCircle on May 15th and you’ll be set going forward. Just in case this isn’t clear, I’m going to walk you though it below . . .

Canceling Your Libsyn Subscription

Your current “CzabeCast Premium” account is managed through the Libysn platform. Libsyn handles all of the billing and management of the accounts.

To cancel your subscription go to:

Make sure you are logged in, and click on View Account Settings as shown below and then select Cancel

What Subscription Plans are Now Available for CzabeCast Premium?

On the new RedCircle platform, you can sign up for either an annual subscription plan or a monthly plan. I had plans to launch ALE Coin II (aka the “Son of ALE Coin”) with this annual plan, but it has proven difficult to get the coins and mail them with the pandemic going on right now. So instead, I’m just giving you the $5 (sort of). The new annual plan is $55 for 12 months — essentially buy 11 months, get the twelfth month free.

If you want to just keep paying month-to-month, you can signup for the monthly subscription plan on RedCircle for just $5 a month. Yes, it’s an extra $0.01 per month and $0.12 per year than Libsyn. Inflation sucks.

Click here to go to RedCircle and click on the red “UNLOCK EXCLUSIVE CONTENT” link

How do I sign up for CzabeCast Premium Now?


Click here to go to RedCircle and click on the red “UNLOCK EXCLUSIVE CONTENT” link. Screen shots are below?


And then just choose your plan and checkout.

At the end of the signup process, you’ll see this screen where you can link to where you want to listen.  This screen will show different apps based on whether you are on a desktop or a mobile phone.


Subscribing Manually
If you want to manually add your private RSS feed to another app, click the ‘Copy RSS Feed to Clipboard’ button as shown below, and the follow the instructions further . . .

And then follow the instructions for your podcast app of choice below:

Podcast Addict
From the app’s main screen, press the ‘+’ button in the top right, and then select the ‘RSS” button.  The RSS feed URL should already be pasted in, just click ‘Add’.

Player FM
Select ‘Settings’ in the bottom right, then click ‘Import OPML/RSS’.  Tap the lock icon labeled ‘Add private RSS feed’.  Player FM may require you to login or sign up at this step if you haven’t already.  Paste in your RSS feed and continue.  Then tap the ‘+ Subscribe’ button at the top right.

From the discover tab, paste the RSS feed into the search bar.  Tap the orange ‘Subscribe’ button at the top right.

Pocket Casts
Paste the URL of the feed into the search field in the “Discover” tab and then hit search. Tap on the podcast that should appear in search results and then mash that “Subscribe” button.

Tap the “Library” tab, then select the “Subscriptions” tab. Tap the “+” in the upper right and select “Add from link”. Paste the feed URL and tap done!

iTunes / Apple Podcasts (Desktop)
Click on “File” in the top left menu. Then select “Add a Show by URL…” from the dropdown and paste the feed URL. Click “Subscribe.” and you’re all set!

Apple Podcasts (iOS)
Tap “Library” on the bottom row of icons. Then hit “Edit” on the top right, and select “Add a Show by URL…”. Then paste the feed URL and tap “Subscribe” and you’re off to the races.

Tap the “+” button in the top right like you normally would to add a podcast. Then select “Add URL” in the top right, paste the feed URL and hit done!

Tap “Add” on the bottom bar, press “Add Podcast Manually” and in the “Feed” field paste the URL of the RSS feed. Then hit “Subscribe” in the top right.

What about Spotify, iHeart, Stitcher, or Google Podcasts?
Unfortunately not all apps support custom RSS feeds. So sadly you’ll have to listen using one of the apps above (or another app that support custom RSS feeds). Our top picks on Android are Podcast Addict and Pocket Casts. Give them a whirl!

What About the CzabeCast App?

Unfortunately, the CzabeCast app that was built by Libsyn is a casualty of this transition. We’re going to continue to post episodes to that app for the next couple of weeks, but after that it will be mothballed. You need to chose another app to use. All the old episodes will still be available for download on whichever app you select, so don’t worry about “losing” anything.