CzabeCast Thursday March 1, 2018


Boy, does Johnny Manziel have a deal for you! How about you, sign him, to a practice squad contract…. and he’ll play for NO MONEY DOWN! Huh? Bargain, AMIRITE? While I admire Johnny’s frantic desire to get back into the league, it doesn’t make it any less desperate than his bookend washout RG3. Griffin had more short-term success than Manziel, and was not an alcoholic idiot, but RG3 was douchey in his own ways, as well as immature in certain respects. Good luck indeed, Johnny. But second chances are not guaranteed in life, or sports. You’ll have to accept the fact that… you blew it.

Meanwhile in today’s CzabeCast, I try to get Andy Pollin to drop his terrible Gold’s Gym membership and join a real workout palace somewhere in Rockville. At least one where they open the doors on time. We also remember a time in which business cards didn’t have EMAIL addresses on them! God, we are old.

All that and more, is yours on today’s CzabeCast! Download and enjoy at your leisure!



  1. And if you don’t wanted a no cost flyer on a problematic QB (but not on the field problem…) you could always contact Kaper…

    Excuse me two very large gentleman with NFL logos on their suits have just informed me I can’t say that name.


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