First Place or “Tied” for First, It’s All Semantics, Redskins Suddenly Have a Season!


As the Redskins season turns the corner into December, I can speak on behalf of the entire fanbase when I say we all would have taken our current situation back in August. Especially at the peak of the RG3 concussion mini-drama, and it’s associated fallout.

To be “in first” or “tied for first” in a once mighty NFL division, now collapsed by unforseen events, with a month-plus to play is good enough. Good enough for Redskins fans who have been eating shit sandwiches for seasons, for a good stretch now. (2012’s rally, notwithstanding).

So who are these cats? Well…. let’s look at the basic sorting of win’s and losses.

3 – Dominant Throttlings (Never in Doubt)
2 – Comeback Nailbiters

4 – Soundly beaten (or thumped)
2 – Close/Agonizing Losses

And as we know… the home team looks a lot better than the road version. So this week in the “Sports Reporters Back from the Dead Podcast”, Andy Pollin and I discuss what the final 5 weeks might bring, and what is so refreshingly different about these Redskins now, versus what they had been the last 3 years

So sit back and enjoy. Bonus topics include..

Czabe’s Annual “Family Bowl” at the “Monogomous Compound” and Andy’s 1st ever look at Yohoonye Field.
Brother-in-law Todd who knows “just enough to be dangerous.”
Random Redskins like Greg Manusky.

And as always, a few naughty words Czabe can’t say on the radio, but he likes blurting out here!

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Steve Czaban is a 25 year sports radio veteran, who hosts an afternoon drive show in Washington D.C. "Czabe" also writes and edits his own commentaries for and other on-line and print publications. He can be reached at



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