That Time Arnie Packed It Up Hogan’s Ass at Augusta….


Rest in peace, King. Of all the wonderful Arnie memories, photos, anecdotes and tributes that have come out of the weeds this week, I’d like to add my own.

The following video is from the outstanding, no… skin tingling, documentary produced by HBO called “Back Nine at Cherry Hills.” Written by Mary Carillo, and produced by the incomparable Ross Greenburg, it weaves the stories of Hogan, Palmer and Nicklaus as men and golfers intersecting for one big tournament in 1960.

And not to knock Hogan when we are instead trying to honor Palmer, this excerpt is essential to understanding what Arnold Palmer was all about. Unlike the icy Hogan, who could be a real asshole on a good day, Palmer took it from his father that you could be both great AND gracious. And Palmer took that right until his final days.

This documentary cannot be found on DVD, and cannot be watched via HBO Go. It’s not on Netflix or anywhere else, to my knowledge.

Whatever the reasons for that, I do not care. Somebody should be IN JAIL for keeping this masterpiece from widespread distribution. Now, let’s hope that my uploading of a small snippet to my video account(s) doesn’t land me in hot water.

Hey Hogan: suck it! Palmer was the man! And he dusted your ass that year at Augusta!



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