“Buried… In The Best Way Possible…”


I had no idea that my first week “off the job” was going to be such a grind! But thanks to the pile of amazing emails you guys sent my way this week, I spent most of my day reading every single one, and replying to as many as I possibly could.

And they just kept coming, and coming, and coming.

To say that I was overwhelmed, is an understatement. Not just by the volume, but really by the depth of passion for this show, and the incredible personal connections you guys (and gals) outlined for me.

There were a LOT of emails… with the heading of simply… “Nooooooo….!”

I got two emails, literally back to back in my in-box, from two totally different listeners, with exactly the same subject: “In Mourning.”

I got an email from… an 8 year old! EIGHT!

Thanks for flooding the comments section of my post on Czabe.com. Thanks for being active and accounted for via the Facebook page. Thanks for taking time, to remind me of the power of radio.

So this will be my last post on my job situation/show situation for a while. Tomorrow, it’s back to “work” writing about sports, and posting something worth looking at or reading.

It’s gonna take a little while to organize and figure out “what’s next.” I wish I could just walk in somewhere else and pick up where we left off, but radio is a game of musical chairs. Somebody else needs to fall out of theirs first. So, patience my friends.

And lest anybody ask if I’m “okay….” my answer is a resounding HELL YES!

This change is going to give me three of the most priceless things anyone can have in life.

  1. Health
  2. Time
  3. Opportunity

You can’t get much more blessed than that!

With that said… here’s a 1% skim of the “Best of the Best” emails. Let’s start with the kid…

An 8 Year Old! EIGHT!!!
“You see, I am 8 years old and the only thing that my dad needs in the morning is a good cup of coffee and your show…”

Dear Mr. Czaban,

Thank you for your time and the great work on you shows that you put in every weekday
(Except vacation time of course).  I  have been listening to you since I can remember listening. You see, I am 8 years old and the only thing that my dad needs in the morning is a good cup of coffee and your show. He especially likes Solly. So on our way to take my mom to work this morning with a cup of Joe in hand, he searched the airwaves with no success.  You were not to be found.  He said, “who are these jokers filling in for Czabe? Where’s Scott or Solly or even Murray!?!” He’s pretty broken up about the whole thing.  He tells me about the time “in the old neighborhood”, when some guy named Screamin’ A.  took your job.  Anyway, I am sure that you will land on your feet somewhere.  I just hope it’s soon and in the morning.  Have an awesome day and thanks for everything.

Ryerdan Reyes Marinucci

P.S.  More Solly!
“You’ve made me appreciate the art of broadcasting.  I now recognize the gift of being able to fill air with interesting commentary for long periods of time…”
I’ve been a podcaster for what seems like forever, Czabe.  I’m always a day or two behind when listening to your show.  I do this during the day, in the middle of my cubicle farm, to drown out all the monotony of a manufacturing office space.  Needless to say, it helps to keep me sane and focused at my desk – which is remarkable based on the tangents one is tasked to follow while listening to you and the boys break down the most inane activities to the 10th decimal point.

We’re the same age and have opinions that, for the most part, run in parallel.  I also have two daughters and relate to a ton of what you share of your personal life on air.  You have a sense of humor that most from our generation share, and we both have a passion to understand things  beyond our comprehension.  I read tech blogs about tech gear and understand about 15% of what’s being written – but I eat that shit up!

Yesterday had to be one of the saddest days in the last decade for me.  I dialed up Tuesday’s show, via podcast, and didn’t hear the voices I have come to rely on throughout my days of answering emails and stupid questions from snot-nosed engineers that are book smart, but have yet to experience practical applications. You, Solly and Scott are the guys I want to hang out with…the guys I could talk to without fear of anything being repeated or taken out of context…the guys I feel as though I could sit down and introduce myself and be treated like one of the boys.  For the interim, that’s gone, and I’m grieving.

You’ve made me appreciate the art of broadcasting.  I now recognize the gift of being able to fill air with interesting commentary for long periods of time – something I struggle to do for 3 minutes at a time. I ONLY get excited about golf when I hear you break-down upcoming events.  I can hardly contain myself on Fridays when I hear Joey Porter bring us out of the tunnel.  I use gambling references while never wagering a dime on a single game.  I’ve brought so many of my friends into the church of 3 televisions, I’ve lost count.  I use show drops in everyday conversations and LOVE to plug your show while explaining their origins.  I’m going to miss the Superfriends, E and Brian every other day, Scott’s on-the-fence view of everything and Solly’s intentionally antagonistic commentary on pretty much all subjects, but this too shall pass.

It’s been a great run, Czabe, and I look forward to seeing what the future holds for you and the boys.  I’ll keep checking the blog for updates and hope Czabe Vegas is a go for 2017.  You’re a grinder, Steve – you’re too talented to NOT land on your feet somewhere.

Be well…give all my best to the boys…we’ll be back together, soon (on the air – I’m NOT a stalker)…

J. Michael Lacy
“They took them off the air.”
“Oh my god are you serious?  Are you okay?”
To set the background, tuned into the SBN app to pick up the program two days ago to hear…well…not you and the boys.  Chalked it up to technical difficulty.  Then I start reading on twitter yesterday vague comments from Scott and zoomed over to Czabe.com (ding) to read the full article.  Crushed.  So lying in bed last night I broke it to the wife.
“Dear you won’t have to listen to the sports talk radio any more while we are getting ready”.
“They took them off the air.”
“Oh my god are you serious?  Are you okay?”
The next statement from her sums everything up.
“I’m actually going to miss them.”
I’ve been tuning in from Indy for 3-4 years (time flies as you know) since a local station put you in the AM slot for a brief 2 month stint or something eventually bumping you for Sean Hannity.  I’ve been a streaming guy ever since without fail.  Certainly I’m no Brian, E, Trucker Martin or Barry as the regulars but would occasionally fire off a text that would get some air time.  Knowing I’m about 25,485 on the listener depth chart but still feeling as though I’m an active, contributing member of the “team” is something that’s unique and what draws people in.  Hell I even downloaded a couple apps to catch your afternoon show on the way home.  Nine days out of ten I’d ask myself, what they hell do I care about the Nats pitching rotation or the Caps losing it again but you come to follow the ones you enjoy listening to regardless of what town they’re in or what team they cover.
So again, my wife saying she’s going to miss you guys says everything.  She’s fallen asleep to more rounds of Sunday golf on CBS than I can count, knows enough about football to be dangerous, pulls hard for IU basketball and football only to be disappointed every fall and spring but keeps coming back, couldn’t name 5 NBA players, can’t take 10 minutes of SportCenter with the yelling but enjoys the Czabe.  In a world of hot takes, the level of discourse and depth conversation you have is refreshing.
So, nothing special in this note other than to say thanks for the work on the national show, well done.  I’ll keep picking you up every now and then on the local show all the way out here in Indianapolis.  And if you ever get out this way, the first captain and diet is on me.
Dylan DePalma
“There is no show like yours, and I can’t listen to anything else, especially one with a single host who just drones on an on.  That’s impossible….”
You ruined radio.

Perhaps that is not a fair subject heading, but trying to get your attention in the flood of emails you’ll be getting (and deservedly so).  But for me you all really have.  There is no show like yours, and I can’t listen to anything else, especially one with a single host who just drones on an on.  That’s impossible.
Thank you for your perspective. I love how you loved the game and not so much the athletes who played (and too often disrespected) it.
To me, who loves baseball more than anything, I could even overlook your less than enthusiastic talk about the nation’s pastime.  And way too much NBA talk. ha  But I digress.
You brought us a lot of laughs, but also made us think.  I know that’s not in vogue anymore, but it’s admirable, we wish you the best as you fight Lyme disease.
J.T. (and Crystal) Jezierski
Alexandria via West Virginia (and a proud member of Black and Gold Nation)
#More Solly
“My wife (not a sports fan) thinks you guys are clever, and my kids know you all by name…”

No one likes uncertainty, and I really feel for you and the boys. Remembering that this is your livelihood is keeping me from feeling really sorry for myself right now. Strangely, although you don’t know me (dedicated listener but infrequent contributor), you all have become like family to me.
While my job in education keeps me from listening to the show live throughout most of the year, the podcast keeps me thinking and laughing while doing all those little mundane tasks in life. Honestly, it’s going to be weird unloading and loading the dishwasher without you guys. My wife (not a sports fan) thinks you guys are clever, and my kids know you all by name.
Running (because my other hobby is eating) is also going to be really boring now. Maybe you would be proud to know that you, Scott, and Solly (and technically Murray) completed a marathon with me last year. Saving up podcasts for those Saturday long runs last fall kept me from losing my mind. More than once I confused people on the street as I giggled at your hijinks coming through my ear buds as I passed.
I sent SB a polite note regarding their programming decision this morning. You have many loyal fans across the nation, so something will come about, I’m sure. Until then, my thoughts are with you. Rest well, my friend, for you deserve it.
Although I am a PA guy and have my own allegiances, I suppose that for a while I will learn a little more about the Redskins and Caps from you each afternoon on 980’s stream. Sorry for being long-winded. Godspeed and prayers for your health and career path.
John Frick

“I’m sad today.  Just so much humor and silliness and real talk.  You are a story-teller, and that is why we all want to huddle up around your campfire….”
Your views and opinions are what keeps me coming back. It’s fantastic to hear someone that has a real opinion and not just what the mainstream says it should be. 90+ percent of the time I agree and even when I don’t, it is refreshing to hear someone with an independent thought and actually takes the time to research and consider that facts. It’s appreciated when you and your cohorts have intelligent discussions (not just a screaming arguement like some many other shows) on such a wide range of topics. It is mind boggling how other tv and radio hosts simply don’t know, or feel it won’t bring ratings, to have factual and intelligent conversations.

– Tim W
“The inside jokes, the funny soundbites, nicknames, jingles have become like second nature in my daily conversations…”

I am just writing to say Thank You.  This is an email that I should have written many years ago, as you, Scott and Solly have been the soundtrack of my mornings for nearly a decade.  I discovered your radio show while on Labor and Delivery as a medical student in Arkansas.  I was delivering babies at the university hospital overnight and then on my way home heard y’all on my local affiliate.  I have been a fan ever since.  The inside jokes, the funny soundbites, nicknames, jingles have become like second nature in my daily conversations.  JUST THIS SUNDAY I was singing “I have an opinion” to the Sunday Night Football jingle.  I had to explain this to my wife.  I never laughed so hard when I heard “This is my friend Geno Smith” or the LSU fight song “DUH DUH DUH DUUUUUUUH!”  You inspired me to have a 3 TV set up in my man cave.  You’ve even retweeted it!
I do hope you turn up elsewhere, whether it be on the radio or in podcast form.  Trust me when I say that I will gladly pay for such a product.
Steve, in all sincerity, thank you for what you do, how you entertained and brightened up so many of my mornings.  I wish all the best.
Billy Beck, MD
Charleston, SC by way of Arkansas
“My wife hates sports. Except for the Steven Czaban show: “I don’t like sports, but those guys are funny.”  High praise…..”
Dear Czabe,

To say the news today was a disappointment would be an understatement. My day will not be the same without you and Scott and Solly starting it.  I want to say thank you for all of the good times by telling a story that seems like it is about me, but is about you and the boys.
In 2005 I moved from Boston to Southern NH.  The wife and I welcomed our first daughter, and she left the work force.  I had a good job in the city, and although the commute was long, I enjoyed my work.
In 2006 my company was sold to a competitor, and my office was moved south of Boston.  A manageable 1 hour commute became a gut churning 2 hours each way.  The job itself turned into longer hours, more stress, and the office was a nightmare environment of hostility and fear.  Oh, and we had a second child while this was going on.
To keep me from intentionally driving into an overpass, I purchased an XM radio for the car and stumbled onto the First Team on FSR.  It was a revelation.  Morning drive in Boston was painful to listen to, and Mike & Mike were not for me.  The show was what it has always been, funny, passionate, genuine.  I was fully hooked when I heard you guys actually talk hockey on occasion.  I have been a damn near 1% er ever since.
I am in a better place in my life now, more established and less stressed.  But I cannot express how important those 2 hours every morning were to me when I was dealing with work, family, and financial stress unlike any I have known before or since.  I know that as listeners we do not truly know you and Scott and Solly (and Brian and E and Roy and Murray….) as friends, but boy did you create a fun and friendly atmosphere for 3 hours every morning.
If you are still reading, let me close with the highest compliment I can give. My wife hates sports. Doesn’t even pretend to care about them.  When she drives with me, she usually complains if I am listening to a ball game or sports talk.  Except for the Steven Czaban show: “I don’t like sports, but those guys are funny.”  High praise.
Best of luck to you, Czabe, and to all of the boys.  I will check in from time to time on Czabe.com, & once again thanks for being there for me, even if you don’t know me.
Bob Doherty
Londonderry, NH
“I consider myself a 1% + 1, in that I listen to your entire show one day after the fact…”

Hi Steve,

I just read your post on Czabe.com (bing), and have a tear in my eye.  I have thoroughly enjoyed listening to you for the past many, many years.  I consider myself a 1% + 1, in that I listen to your entire show one day after the fact.  Your show format is great.  I can relate very much to you and Scott as we are in our similar aged years, married the same length of time and have kids the same ages.  I almost drove into a tree recently when you said “maybe I should just go out and buy a Corvette”, as I was driving my newly purchased one and listening to your podcast!

I think the funniest segment is when I listen on Monday mornings to your You Are Listening Live segment and I can laugh at how wrong the predictions are.

I will seek you out on the radio as best that I can, and will continue to hope and watch for a return of you to the (inter)national stage.

A loyal listener in Canada,
Adrian Osborne

“This situation almost turned me into a millenial — making angry posts on Facebook…”
Hi Steve:
Long time listener — I started when I lived in Michigan and bought a mini-van for my new born daughter.  It had XM Radio so I was able to get your show.  I have listened to you on my morning commute every day since April 2005.  The day that you went off the air for Steven A. was a dark, sad, evil day.  The day you came back, was a bright, happy, glorious day.  I thought about that day today as I flipped through the channels this morning not hearing you, Scott, or Solly and, thinking, “Man did that suck.”  Little did I know.
So you know, count me as one of your loyal listeners whose mornings have always been better because of you.  You’re entertaining, funny, smart, conservative, with a ton of common sense.  Your voice will be missed.  While I hope you take the needed time to fully recover from the lyme and everything else until you get your next morning show, please forgive me that I hope you get your next morning show by Friday.  That’s not asking too much, right?  Where else am I going to get, “You are looking live” with Scott and Solly?
Ok — sorry for rambling.  I’m a reasonably successful 41 year old CPA in Tysons, with a to-do list that keeps me busy through nextThursday, and my day has been just absolutely ruined by the cancellation of a morning show (“We’re talking about a morning show”).  I even posted a #BringBackCzabe on the Facebook page of SBNatio Radio in solidarity.  That just goes to show the great impact you have had on your fans.  This situation almost turned me into a millenial — making angry posts on Facebook.  Don’t worry, I’ll be working late tonight and this weekend.
Best of luck with all your endeavors, know I will continue to listen to you on 980, and waiting (im)patiently for your return to morning radio.
Mike Frost
“Like Ronald Reagan famously said of his administration, you guys were not simply marking time. Your show made an impact with its listeners…”
Mr. Czaban,
It was with great sadness that I learned of the cancellation of your show. I just wanted to take this opportunity to share with you how much joy your efforts have brought to me over the years, and how much I appreciated your approach to the sports talk genre.
Words cannot express the magical alchemy you, Scott, and Solly achieved on the air waves. I enjoyed your many set pieces, tropes, call backs, sound bites, and Simpsons references. As you often described it, listening to your show was like visiting with friends. Like Ronald Reagan famously said of his administration, you guys were not simply marking time. Your show made an impact with its listeners, and I just wanted to express to you how much I appreciated all of your hard work every morning.
In sum, thank you for all the laughs. From Guy on a Buffalo to Boo Ben Konop, every day has been a privilege.
Best of luck, and I hope a podcast like the Sports Reporters in Exile experiment can keep the dream alive.
Take care and best wishes,
-BenjaminKatz in the 804
“Your show was a sanity break from dealing in insane situations and mind numbing boredom…”
Sorry to hear it Czabe. I feel punched in the jejunum. You have been an integral part of my day for a long time. I am happy you’ll get some sleep, but selfishly I hope you’re back in the morning soon. I need you to be. The sports radio landscape is really one show, just regurgitated by different hosts, your show was different. PC-ness has turned us into a bunch of ninnies and your show was a nice departure from the new norm. The mixture of personalities with you, Scott, and Sol was fantastic. Murray was great too. Listening to him develop on your show to what he is now was something I’m not sure people appreciate. The guy who covered for you is a far cry from the ‘score reader’ he started out as.
Just to give you my sob story-

-I was in a car accident in March- laid up in the hospital for a month, then three months at home convalescing until cleared to work. Your show (and hockey) kept me sane.

-I travel for work- less now- (you actually read an e-mail about one of my road-wins in Helsinki at a ski jump) and I always had your show on. Traveling allowed me to build up a bank of shows which I would piece out like Donald Pleasence in ‘The Great Escape’ and his tea.

-I retired from the Air Force in 2007, but would bring you on deployments and TDY’s (temporary duty assignments) when I was still vying in that trade as a bomb squad guy. Your show was a sanity break from dealing in insane situations and mind numbing boredom.
I will miss you. My son will miss you. I will stay posted to see where you appear next.
PS- I hope this wasn’t over replay.
Pat Lane, Chief Master Sergeant (ret)
Go Cougs
“I assure you that as I write this…..I am shedding a single tear…..just like Iron Eyes Cody…”
I was mildly irritated when I saw that today’s podcast was hosted by Joe Slobodnik….or whoever that was.   Luckily, I still had half of yesterday’s show to listen to during my daily lunch walk.   I was shocked to hear you say that the show had been cancelled during the 4pm Sports Reporters.
I have been a listener since the JayCo days in the early 2000’s.  I can’t remember how I discovered you all, but I was hooked instantly.   The fact that I am a die hard DC sports fan and love the Simpsons made it a perfect fit.  After going through a divorce about 10 years ago, I have devolved into a one man wolf pack.   You guys….Scott, Solly, Cooley, Galdi and the Ginger Ninja have been my wolf pack.   Listening to you guys every day during my walk and in the afternoon has been like hanging out with friends.
I wish you all the best of luck…..I am looking forward to listening again and hearing the ghost of JoePa, Tim McCarver, or everybody on the show imitate Al Galdi  ( I am in my year 50 season).  Your ESPN980 overlords will be happy to know that David Gow Media’s loss will be their gain….looks like Cooley and Sheehan will be my go to podcast as I am able to listen to the Sports Reporters live.
I assure you that as I write this…..I am shedding a single tear…..just like Iron Eyes Cody.
Tom Turner
Roanoke, VA
“The car, the treadmill, the airplane and the walk with the dog got a lot lonelier this week…”

That full of fear feeling, somehow instinctive after seeing a “substitute teacher” on Tuesday, immediately ran thru me. “Please NO”was my immediate thought as I quickly navigated to the czabe.com (ding) and confirmed my biggest fear, that my friends have been (what us 1%ers know is only temporary) relieved of their SB Nation duties. The only words that I can say are, thank you for the past 10+ years.
Thank you for riding shotgun with me on so many long commutes in Southern California
Thank you for getting me thru so many workouts as I listened to the optimism of Scott, the fresh upstart attitude of Murray, the skepticism of Solly and of course the honest, humorous, not always traditional comments from you Czabe.
Thank you for showing us to look at the world of sports from more than one angle and for providing a point of view that goes well beyond the obvious.
Thank you for teaching us how to design a man cave, the best way to set up 3 TV’s, and the best way to tell your wife you will be watching football for 36 hours.
Thank you for your appreciation to the details on “Upon further review….” “how did ya like….” and of course the infamous “where ya at, what ya haul’n?
Thank you for your kind words about your Hyundai Genesis, I am a proud 15 year Hyundai employee!
Thanks for the laughs, the companionship, the unexpected and most of all the effort in getting the gang back together sooner rather than later.
The car, the treadmill, the airplane and the walk with the dog got a lot lonelier this week, you will be missed Czabe but for what we hope will not be for long. Good luck to you and the family, to the boys and to your search for your next opportunity.
John Angevine
Orange County. CA
Lister since The First Team days.
“I truly appreciate your work in a manner similar to watching alpha predator athletes in their prime…..”


I’ve listened to you consistently for many years across many mediums.  Like any other significant, unexpected loss, I feel immediate guilt for every podcast I didn’t quite make it to, or hour of live broadcast I didn’t fully savor.

My wife and kids will endure a moment of silence over dinner tonight whether they like it or not, because, well “the boys would have found this” heartbreaking.

Best to you Czabe, a true master of your craft.  The on-air chemistry of your team was amazing and your collective ability to thread the PC needle so deftly allowed your show to  go places few would dare venture.

I truly appreciate your work in a manner similar to watching alpha predator athletes in their prime.  The skill set is so immense it goes beyond making me want to do it, and straight to making me realize I never could.

Best to you and the crew in the future, I hope the respite is short and somehow re-energizing for you all.


Paul Keeton (in the 804)

P.S. I promise I will get the 3 TV setup tomorrow if you tell me this is a joke!
“I feel like a desperate Czabe addict vacuuming up the blow from the carpet and snorting it…”
I have been listening to talk radio since I first heard Rush Limbaugh in 1990, and yours is the best show on radio.  I’m not a sports fan, but I do enjoy when you goof on the athletes and talk non-sports.  BUT, now that your national show has been cancelled, I feel like a desperate Czabe addict vacuuming up the blow from the carpet and snorting it.  Why do I say that?  Because I went to iTunes and immediately downloaded and saved all of your podcasts I could.  Today I started listening to the 6/4/2014 episode and heard what I think was the beginning of the 1% talk.  Since I have listened to almost every one of your episodes and am now going back and relistening to over two year old product, I believe my listening will put me in the LESS than 1% group!  “Hey, how bout that”.  I do it because you and the team are great entertainment and I am sick of all the politics seeping  into everything else I listen to.

I would pay a monthly stipend for a new Czabe podcast and would also buy all of the episodes of Goodell under the desk and The Daily Czabe.

Mike Robbins

“You, sir have an amazing talent to paint a scene with words….”
I am sincerely sorry for your job loss.   I respect the way that you that you expressed regret to us, your listeners in your blog post.   It’s a classy, sincere, gesture.    I hope that you do benefit from a decreased workload and that your health continues to improve.
While many will highlight the laughter you generated with Captain Over/Under and the Ladies Man, I feel fortunate to have heard your on-air introspection a few weeks ago, contrasting friends with golf buddies.   It provided your listeners insight into how your medical conditions impact more than just your ability to swing a club.  It changes how, and with whom you spend your time.  Thank you for voicing your feelings.   It prompted me to be more introspective.
As a fellow 48 year old, I looked forward to the nostalgic segments when you would mention such things as the quilt with the names of all the NFL teams on it.   I had the sleeping bag version of that same item.   While anyone our age could name an old item, you, sir have an amazing talent to paint a scene with words.  Your words and cadence enable my mind to go beyond a 2-D Sears catalog picture to spawn memories of listening to Harry Kalas call Phillies games on the transistor radio at night in a small house in Trenton, NJ (where they actually have mean streets).   You give us the gift of a 3-minute mental vacation from the task at hand.
Thank you for sharing your talents and a piece of your life with your audience.   May your health continue to improve as your fans await your next career move.
Best regards,
Tom Allen
“Near.  Far.  Wherever you and Solly and Scott are…  My heart will go on.  Albeit in a million pieces…”

This is a goof right?  The show is moving in to a more “performance art” mode?  Czabe Kaufman faking his own demise.  I have to admit I don’t get it but I trust your sensibilities.  I am sure that next week when it is all back to normal we can have a good laugh and move on.
…. Right?
…. Please, tell me I am right.
…. Anyone?  Bueller?
Okay, through the denial phase.  Time for ANGER.  WTF man?  How can they do this?  You didn’t ask them to pick up the tab on the lawn mower in the new contract did you?  Come on, man.  You can’t be so greedy!  How is it that the unwashed masses would prefer Mike and MFing Mike style shit brick radio to you and fellas special brand?
(boring ass sponsored guest)
Pete Rose Hall of Fame
(boring ass sponsored guest)
Social Justice
(boring ass sponsored guest)
Pay These Players!!
…..kill me now.  silence is greatly preferable….
Not only is my morning wrecked but my WHOLE FUCKING DAY is wrecked.  I count on you guys to be my cup of coffee in the morning.  You are my armor that protects me from the INSANITY of the world around us.  Now I face the day naked, foggy eyed and afraid.  If I end up in jail for lashing out at some random person I expect you to bail me out.
Near.  Far.  Wherever you and Solly and Scott are…  My heart will go on.  Albeit in a million pieces.
Keep up the amazing work.  For now I will find you where I can.  Here’s to hoping you are back in the saddle some day soon.  All my best to you and the boys.
Your Loyal Listener
Kyle McGrain
“Somehow, I feel like this is just a way for David Gow to prevent you from sleeping in his basement come Super Bowl weekend.”
You’re one of the ways I get through work each day.  I have no idea what I’m going to do.  You guys are the best.
Stat of the day! (Is this really a stat?)  Radio hosts coming out of the Harvard of the West, teamed with a cynical gambler, and a Father of the Year that eats meat by the fistful, that were previously employed by an internet company that had half a billion accounts hacked, then employed by an internet company with 315 mostly hack bloggers are a terrible 0-33-1 against the spread.  (What spread?  Who knows?)
Now, that stat sounds terrible, BUT, Due Theory!  You’ll be back; you’re due.  If not, you can picture me pounding my forehead on my desk over and over again, like Homer’s drinking bird in King Size Homer.
I wish you and the boys the best!

Abe Mendoza
“It is like you have an uncanny ability to peel back the onion on a subject and then articulate it with a witty juxtaposition…”

Czabe you are the Howard Stern of Sports Radio and I say that meaning that you literally have mastered the art of what Sports Radio should be and NO ONE can do it. They don’t even try.. because when they do it fails miserably. We live in a world of hot takes and Dan le Retard’s dad on the air..what a disgrace.

It is like you have an uncanny ability to peel back the onion on a subject and then articulate it with a witty juxtaposition. When I studied Journalism I had a thought of being something like you. I quit before I listened to your show so it’s no big deal but it is kind of like you’re a fulfilling prophecy of what my career could have been like, except I would have been just another faker.

Anyhow, I am a lifelong Skins fan that grew up in Pittsburgh, PA. Now, I live in Tyler, Texas and since 2012 when I stumbled on your show I have been enamored with it, the whole crew is great. I sent an F you note to Gow. See you @ Czabe Vegas.

Best wishes,
Kevin Green and family

“It feels like a very good friend has moved away, and you are unlikely to ever speak to them again…”
Czabe – thank you, Scott, Solly, Galdi and Murray for so many years of entertainment.  I listen to a lot of radio, podcasts and audiobooks and there was always something about your show that made it feel next-level in terms of professionalism, polish and, most importantly, content.  Those few hours per day will be sorely missed.  It’s a strange relationship that people in your business have with listeners, and it feels like a very good friend has moved away and that you know deep down that you are unlikely to speak to them again.  Absolutely gutted.  Hope the sleep does you all well.

Joe Bockman
Stillwater, MN
“Your voice needs to be heard, not just for your current listeners, but for the future generation of sports fans…”
As a loyal one per-center I just wanted to personally thank you for all of the years of entertainment. For me, your morning show is QB1 on the the depth chart of my available forms of entertainment and that includes television. I can proudly pass along to you that the first show of any kind that passed through my son’s ears was The Steve Czaban Show (yes I know it’s not a kids show but he got my permission first). I have always loved that you did the morning show your way and it made for can’t miss daily entertainment.
In the past few months I turned on two of my good buddies to the show who quickly became one per centers themselves.
Your show is unique and beloved. Your honest, bare-knuckled, light-hearted, irreverent, don’t take sports too seriously voice needs to be heard. Not just for me and your current pack of rabid loyal listeners, but for the future generation of sports fans, even if they’re currently in diapers like the little fella sleeping on my right arm right now as I write this on my phone.
Jordan Koscielniak



  1. Outrage!!! The Steve Czban Show was by far the best sports show EVER! I hope you finds a new home soon – I am especially missing “you are looking live” – Fridays will never be the same.

  2. I’m lost with out you in the morning happy that I can hear you on b&b but that’s just not enough since I found the podcast. Hope you and the boys are back podcasting asap.

  3. What I truly missed this morning was hearing if the J-man broke down in tears as his Giants threw away the game. I love local football on a Monday…but after an hour I needed my more general coverage, not to mention what I presume would have been 2 hours dedicated to the passing of The Golden Bear.

  4. my commute…this morning, Monday, was just that… a commute….getting from point a to point b (2 hrs) . another cry of silent anguish this morning, because my morning commute used to something I actually looked forward to…….English muffin (with low-fat butter & honey), cold can of diet-coke, and the Czabe, Steve & Solly. I ask for so little in life, and this was special…….damn.

  5. Been on vacation. Got back yesterday, get in the car this morning and almost drove off the road due to falling asleep listening to ken W for a couple of minutes. Hoped you were on vacation, but found out your show was replaced. UNBELIEVABLE!! Hope you and the boys find a home soon. Maybe BR Report in the morning instead of their recap crap. My morning drive won’t be the same. All the best to all of you in the future.

  6. By the way, Czabe, any chance they could podcast your Sunday morning golf show on ESPN980 like they do most other shows? I always wished you’d talk more golf in the mornings anyway, so that’d be better than nothing, but ain’t nobody got time for catching a live audio stream that early from parts further west!

  7. This can’t be happening! I have been pulled into your vortex and now rely on the show to get me through my work mornings! How’d Ya Like was how i made sure I didn’t miss anything over the weekend and now its gone. Its bad enough to live in the Factory of Sadness during football season, but I won’t even have you to rub it in anymore! Find your voice soon back on the airwaves!!!

  8. With you guys no longer on air, my morning routine has been absolutely screwed for the last week. I love local 980 Rayskins sports talk, but it’s not the same as knowing that I can determine where I am in the week by sending in and listening to other people’s HYL, ISDW, (Rotating Feature), ISDW and LIU texts, calls and emails. Current radio sucks. I need my favorite show back.

  9. Over 1500 mentions on Twitter in 6 days that I can count. If only 2% of audience reacts and writes and only 1/3 of audience is on Twitter – that translates into about 225,000 pissed off people.

  10. Czabe come back soon, not sure I can make it without you and your cohorts “hot takes” on the issues of the day. I immediately went and subscribed to the Sports Reporters and you and Andy have a great local show. I don’t really care for Washington sports, but it is the best I can do. I miss Scott and his wishy washyness and there is not enough Solly on the local show, but it is still great. I also listen to you on BNB when I get the chance. Good luck to you sir and come back to the National airwaves quick please.

  11. I’ve listened to you since 2004. We’ve traveled many miles together on morning commutes. Your show is the best; nothing else like it out there. I actually looked forward to those commutes. You felt like friends. Now, it’s just a drive to work. Hope you find a way to come back somewhere.

  12. Instant Upgrade….
    Since meeting you in person on Spring Bender 2016 and letting you know you’re the reason why I finally became interested in ALL sports, I think your cards are headed for something much bigger than radio!
    How about a take over of the “Dan Patrick Show” which has grown stale in my opinion, and needs someone like you who not only gives the public a great review of current sport highlights, but your excellent live personality that shows through in your expressions, exuberance and your catalasmic humor!?!!
    I think you’re up next for your own tv sports show Czabe! ?

  13. Steve Czaban,
    I have been a listener, a fan of sorts but when it comes to your “dedicated followers” my sister, Paula, must be the biggest fan of ’em all. You truly instilled the passion of sports for her. For many years she has followed you, listened to your shows, went on spring bender, and even submitted some artwork once for some “donkey” golf shirt. I dunno???. My sister would have me listening to your show and have to recap it for me on days she found it especially captivating. Showing me 100 photos of you instead of the scenery in Mexico, really.,?! Now I am not saying I would ever stop loving my sister, but until you are back on the air in some fashion it could potentially make me like her a little less. You know I now have to see her stagger around aimlessly as if she lost her best friend. I’ll be the one who has to listen to all of the “OLD” archived Czaban stories and console her broken heart. How will I fill those two hours of morning sports chatter, when I just want to sleep? Whatever you need to do, do it so I can have my fun loving, excited over Czaban, sports enthusiastic, bright eyed morning girl back. Commercials for viagra, synchronized swimming commentator, pigeon racing host, start a petting zoo “pig caller”???, I BEG OF YOU this can not be the end of your shows, for my sisters sake and my sanity. In all seriousness you are much loved because you are great at what you do. I know this isn’t the end. I’ll pay anything to get you back on the air. Jen

  14. Czabe I hate that they took you off the air. I have listened to the podcast of your local show but it’s just not the same. I hope the Steve Czaban Show will find its way to the airways again. I would even settle for a podcast.

  15. You’ve been canned and they put that bovine blowhard on the 4 letter? It boggles the mind. Who’s ass can I kick for this idiot decision? Everything I know about sports I learned from you and the boys. I actually sound knowledgeable!!!? Just tell us what we need to do to get you back on. I echo every other sentiment expressed here on your page. World is going to hell in a handbag. Er… basket. Now it’s like waiting for football season in March. Godspeed brother. Hear you soon.

  16. I still have Hour 3 of the final podcast left (with Sean Salisbury) on my iPhone. Still haven’t been able to listen to the rest of it. Hoping you’re back (with the other knuckleheads too) soon.

  17. My car rides are quiet now that there are no more Czabe Pocasts. I had to laugh last night when my three year daughter just kept singing, “I was working as a waitress in a cocktail bar, a cocktail bar.”

    You have picked up a new listener on The Sports Reporters afternoon show so I can get my Czaben fix. It is not the same but will do for now.

    Looking forward to you getting back on a national broadcast!

    Corey (Loyal Podcast Listener) from Wisconsin

  18. Czabe:

    XM channel 203 has Dan Patrick at 9am and NOTHING from 6-9am East. How about getting your peeps on the line and getting your show back on Sirius/XM?!?! I’d be ALL IN!!

  19. Nothing at all on my shower radio in the morning can fill the empty place I have.

    Do you do kid’s parties, maybe come by the house next week?

  20. I will NOT be listening the new Linn, Solly, Murray show on SB Nation. So they can Czaban and replace him with Murray on the show essentially??? Not for me!!!

    Do people go to Ruth’s Chris Steakhouse for the wedge salad? How about the sweet potato casserole? No, you go there for the steak. Czaban is the DAMN STEAK!!!! What complete fools! Pathetic!

    • Sean, I agree….it’s hard to the listen to the SB Nation podcast, without Czabe. I have no idea why the owners/producers would make this decision – makes no sense at all. I would love to know the details in all of this. However, I find myself listening to them, just hoping that Czabe will call in! I wonder if he is on a caller blacklist??

  21. I will NOT be listening the new Linn, Solly, Murray show on SB Nation. So they can Czaban and replace him with Murray on the show essentially??? Not for me!!!

    Do people go to Ruth’s Chris Steakhouse for the wedge salad? How about the sweet potato casserole? No, you go there for the steak. Czaban is the DAMN STEAK!!!! What complete fools! Pathetic!


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