Daily Czabe: The Chickens Are Coming Home To Roost

Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders, pictured at Cowboys Stadium in Arlington, Texas, on August 21, 2011. (Michael Ainsworth/The Dallas Morning News)

The Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders are as iconic and perfect to the game of football, as a tight spiral itself. But for years owners have been happy to let the thirsty nature of these girls allow for dirt cheap compensation to shake and jiggle their stuff wearing officially logoed NFL hot pants. Now, the lawsuits are coming fast and furious. Many of them are thin on merit. But this one might not be. Even though it’s *possible* to get a full squad of blazing hot women who can dance like Jennifer Beals on crank for as little as $4.95 an hour, it doesn’t mean it makes sense in the big picture. By keeping the compensation level so absurdly low, you are inviting side-hustles, lawsuits, and shenanigans. In the end, wouldn’t it make more sense to pay each cheerleader a reasonable $35,000 a year for being part of the elite NFL-caliber “game day presentation” and be done with it? For 32 separate billion dollar battleships floating on an endless sea of money, this would be a no brainer to me.

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  1. Czabe, I sent something to you about the cheerleader situation maybe two years ago… and this is one of the reasons why Goodell is a failure as Commissioner. This should have been taken care of when they started in on domestic issues and caring about the league’s image. I don’t care about the sex sells angle of it all, every corporation in America does that… but pay the dancers/cheerleaders. The sports jock argument of “They know what they are getting into when they sign on to cheer” was as stupid then as it is now, but the good ole boys just kept spouting it as if it made it all ok. They could pay every member of the squad 100k a year and it wouldn’t be a drop in the bucket to the money they make off selling calendars, costumes, etc. This isn’t greed, it’s just stupidity and arrogance. And the fact that Roger couldn’t lead on a matter as simple as this is just another indicator of how incompetent he is. He hired 5 women to advise him about wife beating to appease women fans, and still lets this stuff go on. Buffoon. The irony is that if Jerry Jones had gotten his way and gotten a new commissioner, maybe the new guy would have told him to clean up his cheerleader mess before it blew up… instead, the other owners got their way and he’s gonna pay for it.


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