Daily Czabe: Phil Mickelson Tries to Popularize Terrible Golf Shirt


They say in style “to each his own.” On the other hand, years of informal experimentation usually end up producing the best garment for the job. In the case of golf, a sport usually played during hot (sometimes blazing!) summer months, the best garment is a loose fitting short sleeve shirt, with a collar and 3 buttons.

It is not, a dress shirt.

Yet here’s Phil Mickelson, pushing ahead with a shirt sponsorship that is 100% dead-on-arrival. Even if you believe that “any publicity is good publicity” I have a hard time seeing anybody getting what they want out of this marketing agreement.

The best I can see, is a regular foursome buying one of these shirts to make their weekly loser wear the following week on the course. A kind of “punishment” shirt to keep everybody grinding. Good luck Phil! Terrible idea! Looks great on you!

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  1. I understand why guys like bob are preds fans with the admirals in town it’s part of why I’m a Blackhawks fan. I live south of Madison in the Janesville area. The hawks farm team (the Rockford ice hogs) are 30 min from my house. And being in my location on dish network I get csn Chicago so I get to watch just about every televised game. I’m new to hockey (last ten years) and it’s become my favorite sport and playoff hockey is by far thee best of the big 4 playoff. I mean in what other sport would a guy get an injury like a skate to the face go get stitched up and come back to finish the game?!? That would be a game or series ender in mbl, nfl or nba, the amount of heart and love for the sport is bar none.

    Yes we are suppose to hate all things shitcago but for the hawks I’ll make that exception, and there’s no wi nhl team so it’s ok in my mind. Also Sox fans are ok too cuz they hate cubs fans too lol.

    All that said I still listen to linn solly and murr on podcast every morning after you finish up with b&b. I root for your caps and enjoy watching them go caps go!!!

    Crap to you

    Neal in Wisconsin

    • I’m sorry for putting this comment here I typed in Czabe.com and it took me directly to this article thought I was sending you a message, fail of the day!! Btw yahoo says Czabe@ yahoo doesn’t exist

  2. This will go down as one of the worst attempts to change style in golf ever. Who would EVER wear this while playing golf. Looks like he’s at Day 4 of a corporate conference. Mind-bogglingly stupid.


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