Daily Czabe: Why Wait To Get Started on Pushing For An 8-Team CFB Playoff?


Tim Brando has called college football on TV for a long time, hosted studio shows, and lives in the heart of the deep-south SEC. When Uncle Timmy talks, I listen. And in a recent radio interview Brando says that it’s a virtual “lock” that Alabama, Clemson, and Ohio State make the CFB Playoff this year. Part of the reason: “Blue Blood Priviledge” – when a team like Bama does lose, it’s drop in the polls is cushioned by the invisible hand of pollsters perception of them as college football royalty.

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  1. Since 2000 Alabama is 2-2 in non-conf road games. 2-2. Let that sink in. They have scheduled 4 non-conf road games in 18 seasons. FTG.

  2. Several years ago the late, great John Saunders backed up his defense of only having a CFB championship game with the argument that as it stands right now, the CFB regular season, as short as it is, is the most exciting in sports because (even more than in the NFL) every game matters. The regular season WAS the playoffs.
    As soon as they introduced a 4 game playoff, 1 or 2 losses became “ok”. With an 8 game playoff, the regular season becomes mute, and it shifts the argument from “who’s the best” to “Who was the 8th best team, and who got screwed out of a playoff birth” … great argument to have.


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