500 Yards of Offense And I’ll I Got Was This Lousy Shirt?


The Redskins execute a near statistical impossibility in beating the Bucs 16-3 and move to an improbable 2-game lead in the NFC East. Now can they navigate the perilous next 3 weeks to stay ahead of the Eagles and Cowboys? The Packers looked like… well… the F’IN PACKERS again vs. the Dolphins. Things are getting crowded in the NFC North! The NFL has reached the “change the question” stage where you truly have no idea what teams are any good. (Well, the Rams and Chiefs… they good!) Jimmy Butler to Philly. Brent says sorry.


  1. Czabe u really shouldn’t be dismissing the bears so quickly. They got a lot of young playmakers on offense Nagy looks to be an up and coming offensive genius. Trubisky is only gonna improve, he’s beginning to look legit. They’re ranked 5th in offense from 29th last year. Their defense is flat out the best in the league right now.
    I look at the Bears and skins identical record and the talent level isn’t even close.
    It pains me coming from a Packers fan this team is gonna be very good very soon.


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