An Unending Blizzard of Championships


What the Patriots are doing with Bill Belichick and Tom Brady is a flat out joke. A league designed to knock everybody back to 8-8, has somehow produced a single team that has the cheat code (pun intended) on how to win relentlessly. We’ll never see anything like it again. More from the weekend here in Atlanta in today’s meaty podcast. Up and ready to be consumed, plausibly live from my hotel room in Atlanta! Enjoy!


  1. There is no doubt that they are the best QB coach combo in history. 6 rings is ridiculous. They out executute and more often than not, the other team/coach will wet themselves when things get tight. It’s amazing how many times they won under those circumstances. I can’t stand them, but I do admire how Belichick manipulates this era of parity.


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