Eagle Fan Panties In A Bunch Over Booing Rap


I’ve never met a fanbase that claims to be hardcore on the one hand, but then whines about being misunderstood whenever anyone else points out “hey, look at those hard ass fans in Philly!” Which way do you want it, Eagle fans? Pick one and go with it. Drew Olson of the Big 920 in Wisconsin joins me to talk about the most important Aaron in Green Bay (not Rodgers!) and also the best ice, and NFL scheduling. All that, plus robots will someday be every bit as creative as humans. Scary! The Festival of Dangerous Ideas!


  1. I sat once at a baseball game beside a Phillies fan that was so big she had wedge herself in and out of her seat. She explained her health problems she said made her gain weight at the the end of the game she heckled me because her team beat my team and it wad a spring training game in fla.


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