Picking Through The Ryder Cup Wreckage


A double guest special episode today! First, we have Notorious J-A-Y reclaiming some minutes to talk about his Steelers and Le’Veon Bell. Also, Pat Mahomes and the art of “pumping your brakes!” Then we have the Golf Nerds assemble to lay waste to the USA team in the Ryder Cup. More free show than I should give away.. but.. here it is! Enjoy!

Steelers Dysfunction
Long Run of Success
Pump Your Breaks
LeBron Lakers

The Golf Nerds
Ryder Cup Recap
What Didn’t I See
Mickelson Blame
Tiger Zombie
Task Force Blowback
Low Energy Players
Leave the Girls Home
Moliwood Pairing
Euros in America
Le Golf Nationale
Massive Grandstands
Where da Shot Tracer?
How Many Captain Picks?

Fake Academic Nonsense Papers


  1. Dear Penthouse Letters: I am an avid reader but I never thought this would happen to me. I listen to sports talk radio host Steed Czaban daily and he changed my life in the bedroom. Let me explain.

    Lately Steed has pointed out to me that:

    I no longer know what a catch is.
    I no longer know what a legal quarterback sack is.
    I no longer know what pass interference is.
    I no longer know what holding is.

    As a result I was becoming very frustrated with the NFL even though I have been watching weekly for 40 years.

    So I decided to do something other than watch the NFL last Sunday.

    I decided to surprise my wife. My wife is a certified smoke show so I have an advantage over most men. She is the one that men follow for six aisles at the grocery store shooting a video to show their buddies and telling their wives that it took so long because they could not find the deli counter (this will not work for Scott Linn).

    Instead of watching the NFL I got a blanket and put it in the living room at 1 pm on Sunday. I turned off the tv, got 2 bottles of wine, chips, dip, crackers, smoked dry sausage, 4 cheeses, grapes, strawberries, chocolate sauce, massage oil and whipped cream. I told my wife to cancel her trip to the mall because I was going to spend my “NFL time” with her. She could not believe it. She loved it. We spent the whole afternoon together doing things we had not done in years. The living room was a mess afterwards, but then came the BIG ONE.

    She told me that she had been listing to Steed and he had explained about the “Scoop and Pull”. The Scoop and Pull is something I was not familiar with but she assured me I could do it if I focused. She explained it and we did it. OMG the rockets exploded and we both think much more highly of the Steed show now that we have explored the Scoop and Pull while ignoring the NFL. It was amazing.

    Here is my problem and one that I email Steed about now as well.

    What the hell am I going to do next Sunday to top the Scoop and Pull?

    I am no Casanova so I need some suggestions and I need them fast.

    Dear Steed: you are asking how you can make the Friday Czabe cast better. Well may I suggest that you create the “Rob Report” and in it you take 30 seconds to suggest one position to be used by us loyal listeners that no longer watch the NFL but instead are spending Sunday afternoons with our wives on the living room floor looking to add spice to the mix.

    PS. Since my wife is a smokeshow that made it easier for me to pass on the NFL. Nevertheless, my buddy tried it as well and his wife is a 4 at best but she loved it so much and was so thankful that she put on the best performance my buddy has ever experienced. He tells me that he and she are now loyal Steed listeners as well. My advice to all your listeners is to drop the NFL and surprise the wife. You will not be disappointed. Steed you changed my life. Thank you so much for your sex advice.

    Now give me more positions!!!!!

    Rob H.

  2. Czabe,
    I think one major problem with the Ryder Cup is the President’s Cup.
    You can’t expect these top tier (individual sport) stars to get all hyped up for a team event with no major payday—every effing year!
    I think a possible solution would be that the winner of the Ryder plays in the President’s. It would give the US an occasional year off and give the Euro’s a chance to play the World Team.

    If the World team starts beating both the Euros and the US, then we can think about a once every 2 year triple headed monster team event.

    Maybe it’s not a perfect solution, but something needs to be done to freshen up these events.

    Also- looking forward to subscribing to the premium- once it’s a little less football and a little more….Czabey. I would pay for a premium WYAWYH in a heatbeat!

    Thanks for everything,
    Michael Caldwell

  3. LOVE the golf nerd talk! I played on my high school golf team and just love the game and don’t mind at all when golf takes over the podcast…. or even your regular 980am show. Take that, golf haters. About the supposed fight…where did that story originate? What is the source?

  4. In addition to golf, I think your podcast and radio show only need one thing to put them over the top.
    Would it be possible to read off the runs allowed or sacks allowed or picks thrown by various teams or individuals throughout a season or three from time to time (e.g. one, zero, zero, three, two, zero…).
    -Mike F.


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