So Much For That Easy $300 Million Payday


Nobody feels the least bit sorry for ballplayers like Bryce Harper or Manny Machado. That said, what both superstars have run into, is bullshit. Somehow, all 30 owners in MLB were able to “change the rules” on contracts almost overnight. I answer your subscriber only email questions, talk to my pops who turns 80 (!) this weekend, and Mr. X tells us what he’s working on now that football is over.


  1. Bryce Harper and Scott Boris are stupid and it couldn’t happen to more actual pricks! They are almost as arrogant as Dan Synder and Brice Allen, but no one in sports is quite that bad except Jerry Jones.

    This fumble is far worse than Junior Galette thinking he was worth more than a 2 year $10 million deal last year, coming off a 3 sack season where he was just a situational pass rusher after 2 torn achillies the two seasons previous to 2017. In the same roll in 2016, Trent Murphy had 9 sacks. Junior will never see that money again, and neither will Harper.


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