“Will Smith Can’t Get Every Good Black Role in Hollywood”


Who woulda thunk that one of this generations’s finest actors – Will Smith – would find backlash in playing Richard Williams – father of tennis phenoms Venus and Serena – because of…. (checks notes) SKIN COLOR?! Yup. Apparently that’s happening, but luckily Notorious J-A-Y helps this poor middle class white boy from the burbs understand. We also talk Pete Davidson, Kyrie and Kylie, NFL combine and a rousing FTG!


  1. I love the Notorious J-A-Y! I am an 45 y/o white, working mom from central Indiana, and I love your podcast, but the Jay episodes are given special priority. Please let him know he has been appreciated by so many since his days on your Fox Radio show. The rap music discussion this winter was one of my favorites. He is truly delightful, and I can’t get enough of Jay’s insight and humor. Love you both!!


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