Another Radio “Coaching Change” – A Brief History of ESPN 980 Program Directors


So this week’s SRBFTD Podcast (Now technically “Season 2!”) gives you some real “inside baseball” on the evolving changes at our home station, ESPN 980. Formerly Sportstalk 980. Formerly WTEM 570. Mind you, none of  what you hear is going to really blow your mind, or blow your skirt up.

But if you wanted to get something that you otherwise would never get ON the air about station politics and management-talent personality clashes, then this episode is for you!

While Andy and I never worked for somebody like the legendary “Pig Vomit” in the Howard Stern movie (above), we did work for a lot of different personalities. And while we both had our differences at times, the reality is their jobs always sucked worse than ours: they had to deal with us, too!

Now the following pictures do not include ANY of the program directors we mention in this episode. Why? Because I don’t have any! I wish I did! I regret not taking more staff photos, group photos, in-studio photos, because the years fly by, and no matter what stupid shit might have happened, there were also many good times along the way.

So if you need to picture a typical radio program director, or “coach” as we call them, here’s a few to look at, although please don’t stare. Enjoy the podcast, and thanks for coming back for more each week, and telling two friends!




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