Cam’s Endzone Kids Are Raking It In This Year!


Cam Newton likes to dance. I’m fine with that. Not everybody is. And that’s okay too. Until Billy “Whiteshoes” Johnson starting shaking his can-can in the endzone, pretty much everybody in pro football gave the ball a tidy little spike (thank you Homer Jones!) or a flip to the ref. Black guys, white guys, everybody.

But in today’s NFL, dudes are gonna dance. And yeah, that includes white guys too.

At least with Cam now, he’s started rewarding kids in the endzone with genuine, bona-fide, game-used, endzone fresh footballs. Sweet.

No matter what you think about the Caaaaam! “persona” as a player, it’s impossible to watch this video and not get a little chicken-skinned. When it comes to pure joy, on a kid’s face who loves sports, there’s nothing like it.

Good show, Panthers. Good show, Cam.

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Steve Czaban is a 25 year sports radio veteran, who hosts an afternoon drive show in Washington D.C. "Czabe" also writes and edits his own commentaries for and other on-line and print publications. He can be reached at


  1. But the simple fact is that this was not his idea (or so Czabe has reported). Apparently, someone in the Panthers organization literally told him that his celebrating would look better if we did something that didn’t look so selfish. Granted, Cam could have turned it down, but the fact is that the only celebration Cam had in mind at the start was to draw attention to himself. Witness the picture taking on the sideline at one of the last games of the season. The guy is a douchebag.

  2. czabe, you are spot on with your review of Cam and the Panthers. I have a 9 yr old and live in MO. We love the Chiefs, but his favorite player is Cam Newton because he gives the touchdown balls to kids in the stands. We are even planning a trip to see Cam play. The reason doesn’t matter, the execution has been perfect. Bravo Cam and the Panthers, your marketing team can work for me anytime!


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