Czabe on Bob and Brian: Two Weeks Stuffed Into One Update!


I’ve never understood why so many people today seem to want the Pro Bowl game actually killed off, once and for all. What did that game ever do to you? Your family? It came as a shock to some, that this year’s event in Orlando was… gasp… actually a sell-out! How dare those rubes! Right?

Calling this game a farce, a joke, a sham or a pillowfight among men does not make you either a) original or b) a better football fan than the guy next to you at the bar.

It is what it is, so let’s have it as long as 3rd and 4th choice guys show up to fill out the roster and big daddy television and his corporate mistresses all show up to get dirty.

I mean, it’s not like any of the replacement guys are stiffs you have never heard of before! Even the lineman, most fans can say… “oh yeah… I know him.”

So with that as my introductory little not-for-nothing thought today, I give you two full weeks of my appearance with Bob and Brian in the morning talking sports (and other stuff!)

Like the Pro Bowl… if you don’t like it. Go back to watching porn!




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