CzabeVegas 2015 – The Perfect Christmas Gift!


Okay last minute shoppers! Your gift-giving “out pitch” has just arrived!

We are locked and loaded for CzabeVegas 6 this coming March. Once again we are going to encamp at the fabulous Hard Rock Resort in Las Vegas to… as the song goes… “Come on and watch some basketball….”

I love how this event has grown over the years. And as you can see from the small sample of fan photos and nutty moments at I truly enjoy meeting everyone during this special time of year. We now draw people from all corners of the country. Some drive to Vegas. Some come alone. Some come with buddies from college. Some bring their wives. Some wives watch more basketball than me! While their husbands run off and hit the poker tables. Or maybe the other way around, while your wife does the spa while you try to bring home a killer 3-team parlay.

It is truly a come as you like, stay as long as you choose, fashion your own little Vegas getaway.

Personally, I make this trip a half-basketball, half-golf, half-listener-outreach long weekend. (I know, that’s three “halves”. I meant it that way!)

So with that said, let me answer some questions I am sure you might have.

Q: Why don’t you do this during the first weekend of the Tournament, when there are many more games?
A: I used to come to Vegas that weekend. It’s nuts. Fun, but very impacted. Tough to get flights. Lots of drunken sausage in the sports books. I don’t need to bet basketball all day long. Four good games two nights in a row is enough for me.

Q: Why stay at the Hard Rock? I think (other hotel) is much better!
A: We have gone where we are welcomed, and have a good relationship. The Hard Rock has been good to us, and I think you’ll like staying there. Away from the strip, it doesn’t draw nearly as much “walk in riff-raff” as other places.

Q: Do I have to stay at the Hard Rock, to come to the “viewing party.”
A: No, but I will give priority to those who do book through our special rate. The more people who book rooms through our rate, improves our ability to get better rates for next year, and also gives us more perks for viewing venues with the resort.

Q: What day is the “Viewing Party” this year, and when can I buy my tickets?
A: At this time, I am still working that out. In the last few years, we’ve watched the games in a designated spot on Thursday and Friday afternoon. However, I am re-thinking that “concept” and may just organize a separate “party” at the resort, possibly AFTER the games are over – which is fairly early in the night, at 10 p.m. If you book your room now through the Hard Rock, then rest assured you won’t be shut out of the party.

Q: Can I bring my (wife, dog, buddy, AA sponsor, child, dad, etc.) with me to the party, or weekend?
A: Bring ’em all. We are a laid back group, and fun for “all ages”. (Well, under 12 might have be tough!)

Q: Is the outdoor pool open at the Hard Rock during that weekend?
A: It’s close. Some years yes, some no. It all depends on the weather. The last two years it’s been open, and sweet. Sunny and 70’s!

Q: Are your show co-hosts going to be there to meet and greet, like in years past?
A: Um, “yes.” I think. Scott Linn from Yahoo Sports Radio has been a staple the last few years, but he needs to navigate his family schedule and kids birthdays that weekend, so he’s not locked for this year …. yet. Timmy Murray was a welcome addition last year, but is not yet committed. Bob and Brian from 102.9 the Hog have committed.

Q: What about America’s “Great Indoorsman”, your producer, the angry recluse Steve “Solly” Solomon?
A: Good luck. Solly has resisted coming to this event like it was an Ebola clinic. I will once again offer to pay his expenses, but that has failed in the past. Short of a kickstarter campaign to actually PAY him to make an appearance, I wouldn’t get your hopes up.

Q: What about other semi-famous show callers/characters? Like “Mr. X”, Deb the Seahawks Fan, Eric “Gentlemen, Gentlemen” or others?
A: You never know. We’ve had all of them before, and they set their own schedules. What’s nice, is that you meet some interesting people, who all share the common thread of being Czabe listeners.

Q: Will you be broadcasting any of your shows live, while you are there?
A: Hell, no! I’m on “vacation!”

Q: I know you play golf out there. Is there any chance I could join your group?
A: Sadly, at this point, no. But I can help point you in the direction of some good places to play, if you want to book your own rounds with yourself or buddies.

Q: Did you really lose $1,000 on Nik Stauskas’ missed FT at the end of the Michigan v. Tennessee game last year?
A: Yes, yes I did. Serves me right. F’ing choking Canadian. Michigan was laying -2.5 and running away with the game. Then, a calamity of errors, turnovers, bad calls, and nonsense turned the game into a butthole puckering nightmare. Then, with 2 seconds left, “Mr. 90% From the Line” gets fouled, with Michigan up by one. He makes the first, misses the second. I felt the blood rush out of my toes. Not fun. Biggest single wager ever for me. And the last of that size as well. UNLESS…. I see something REALLY JUICY this year! Then… $2000! Double-up to catch-up!!!

Q: Should I rush to book my room now? Or are there plenty available?
A: I wouldn’t dawdle, let’s put it that way. I don’t think we’ll sell-out in a week, but you never know. I believe we can get another allotment of rooms if we are booking up, but can’t guarantee it.

Q: What if I don’t see the room configuration I like, days I want to stay or have questions for the hotel?
A: By all means, call them! Make sure to mention the CzabeVegas promotional rate, and then can help get you set up. The rates I have posted are for the basic room, not including resort fees and taxes. You can also upgrade to larger suites, if needed.

Okay, if those answers still don’t square you away, then by all means hit me up on email. I’ll be happy to answer them personally. See you in Vegas in March!

Come on and watch some bas-ket-ballllllllll!!!!




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