“How Many Countries are In This Country?”


Jason Sudeikis was sorta “off my radar” as being damn funny, until I saw him in “We’re The Millers” and instantly became a big fan.

And while this clip is now 3 years old, like anything on the internet you haven’t seen, “it’s new to me!”


  1. Hey Czabe
    Here is a “stat of the day” for ya
    At this rate the Atlanta Braves would
    finish 121.5 games out of first! Behold! Your STAT OF THE DAY!!!!!!!!
    I get these random thoughts from time to time
    My apologies!
    Was listening to hour three of your show today while cutting the grass (for the first one this season, yea!) and was listening to your discussion with Jeff Passen (sp?) and yes! The ATL does appear to be THAT BAD! As my old radio friend Myron Cope would say: YOY!


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