It’s All About Sellin’ Airplanes!


One awesome, jaw-dropping, wingtip-dipping low-altitude flyover at a time! This was the scene at the RBC Heritage Classic this Saturday at Harbor Town GL, in Hilton Head.

As you may know, Boeing builds these mighty machines in the Palmetto State. So why not show them off, in conjunction with their sponsorship of the PGA Tour?


Of course, Boeing has been selling these planes for just a shade under $120M per copy, and they are costing the company $200M each to build.

Sounds kinda like my Toro Groundsmaster, with a few more zeroes. Glad I’m not the only sucker who’s upside down!

Of course, the best ever test flight stunt came from one Tex Johnston over Seattle. Boeing had just rolled out their 707, in an age where prop commercial planes still ruled.

Johnston didn’t tell anybody but his co-pilot and flight engineer before hand, and then promptly did a freakin’ BARRELL ROLL for the assembled media and industry observers!

When chewed out the next day by his bosses at Boeing who demanded to know what the HELL he was doing… Johnson just calmly replied: “Selling airplanes….”


  1. Flying the same aircraft like a Cessna: Pilot executes a touch and go, then a full stop landing that uses only 1/4ish of a modest runway.

  2. Is there a way ot listen to or download the “Daily Czabe”. Keep-up the good work (and AV tech recommendations). Be well!


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