Losing Bracket, Available for Free!


Yeah, I spent at least 2 1/2 hours on Wednesday cramming for this test like I did when I was hopelessly lost in Algebra II/Trig. I suspect the result will be the same. FAIL! For whatever reason, some people just want to see my bracket junk.

So here it is. Enjoy and wager responsibly! Remember, if I get really lucky and ace this mutha-f***er, you’ll never hear the end of it from me! And I’ll have this post as proof!

Czabe Final 2017 Bracket


  1. LOL!

    “Here is my final four. I am going with a 1 seed, another 1 seed, and another 1 seed. And just to go all crazy a 2 seed. Lock it up! No one will be able to touch this.”


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