Maryland Cashes Out Coach Handsome


Maryland fired their football coach this week, yet Andy refuses to gloat or dance. Classy, Andrew.

I’ll say this about Randy Edsall: he cut an impressive figure on that sideline. Tall and lean, piercing eyes, a square jaw and a full head of hair.

He didn’t win enough games, though.

And the fat guy he replaced, Ralph Fridgen, may not have looked as good in the media guide, but he was a winner. Oh well…..

We discuss Steve Spurrier’s sudden “resignation” at South Carolina, and recall some of his most memorable gaffes while committing coaching malpractice here with the Redskins.

Oh yeah, and we delve into the game-ending INT in Atlanta, that cut short what might have been one of the most epic miracle wins ever.

See this guy down here? He’s a winner. That phony up top: loser. Life is funny like that sometimes. Don’t believe everything you see.



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