Maybe I’ll Just Call This… “Wednesdays with Andy…”


While I am quite happy to be knocking heads with Galdi and Cooley on a daily basis on ESPN980, I gotta admit that during the Redskins season, I sure do miss ol’ “Good Enough Andy (Pollin).”

For fans of the new show, and the old show, don’t read a damn thing into this, other than that I enjoy Andy’s perspective and historical knowledge of the Redskins, and miss bouncing ideas off of him.

And since the internet is free, and open 24/7, we thought you guys might like a little half-hour nugget of “Bonus Content” that can’t be found anywhere.

This won’t change your life, by any stretch. But you may still enjoy it. And if more than 6 people listen, then there might just be an “Episode 2” next week.

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Steve Czaban is a 25 year sports radio veteran, who hosts an afternoon drive show in Washington D.C. "Czabe" also writes and edits his own commentaries for and other on-line and print publications. He can be reached at


  1. Czabe, thanks for getting back together with Andy. It was great. I really miss your show together. I still remember having to pull over when you did the bit about Andy’s old Russian girlfriend. I was laughing so hard that I thought I was going to crash my car!

  2. Looks like you have way more than 6 listeners – great to hear you guys back together! Thanks for this nice treat and looking forward to Episode 2!

  3. Thanks, Czabe. You two made many a miserable commute more tolerable with Skins and NFL chat. Good times — in spite of the losing and dysfunction coming out of Ashburn and “Raljon.” Keep ’em coming.

  4. Keep doing these. Don’t like the Redskins but love the 2 of you together. Keep hoping some station will come their senses and put you guys back on the air together.

  5. Started listening to you two in high school when the show first began. I’ve since essentially given up on the Skins, but this is cool too see.

  6. Hello Andy & Czabe
    Very much thrilled to see (hear) you guys again. Afternoons have not been the same without you. Looking forward to hearing you guys again. PLEASE DON’T STOP THIS.

  7. Speaking az. Born n bread. Diehard fan jurgenson logically we. Lack. Blitz. Package. Defensive wise. No. Sense of. Urgency. With. No. Blitz scheme. The league. Powerhouses. Don’t. Respect. The. Franchise. ..always gotta. Read between lines Blitz’s package n. Hail Marys. Will. Make. Happy fan base. All. Century

  8. I love you guys! If you ever thought going to days was bad, well I got into your show when you were 9-12 on weekdays. From that point on I followed you around, and I have spent many hours in a freezer warehouse laughing with you. Keep it up and give me an mp3 to listen to.

    Awesome as always (get Drew McGary),
    Geoff McCurdy
    Now in Norfolk


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