In My Mind, I Skate Like Patrick Kane


With flowing golden locks waving beneath my helmet.

In reality, I am an ungainly buffalo who manages to sometimes do something mildly crafty on the ice.

Enjoy the latest cut-up of goals from my D-League hockey team, the Mighty Old Ducks.

Snarky comments, tips, and patronizing kudos are welcome.

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Steve Czaban is a 25 year sports radio veteran, who hosts an afternoon drive show in Washington D.C. "Czabe" also writes and edits his own commentaries for and other on-line and print publications. He can be reached at


  1. Regarding the myth of the window breaking candidate, there is a story (true? maybe) about ADM Rickover, the father of Naval Nuclear Propulsion, who once asked candidates to try there best to piss him off in 10 seconds. One candidate reportedly swiped everything off of his desk including a submarine model. He was selected for the program.

    “Rickover tells one applicant he has 10 seconds to make him mad or flunk the session. The midshipman hears Rickover tick down the seconds, then suddenly sweep’s half the contents of Rickover’s desk onto the floor.

    “I’m mad,” Rickover concedes before hiring the young officer.”

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  2. The only thing I can say, is I felt a kid who put his 78 RPM record on at the wrong speed. Anyone under 50 will not understand. Damn that was slow.

  3. More hockey videos please! Nice angles…I felt like I was really there!

    …well, not exactly, but the footage is still great, and it’s enjoyable to see you out there!

  4. I once worked at a company where the President and COO where both in their early 50s and played on the softball team. At one point the President was loping down the first base line and the COO asked the 20 somethings on the bench if that was what he looked like when he ran to first. The COO got a very honest yes. That was the last game the COO every played.

  5. Czabe going Steven Stamkos bar-down on the goal then knocking the puck out of mid-air like Shea Weber to start the play for the goal. Suhweet!


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