Nobody Is Planning A Parade, But Sunday Sure Felt Good For Skins Fans!


There has rarely been a better single Sunday in the NFC East for Redskins fans, than what we saw last weekend. In addition to the Skins rag-dolling the Saints pathetic defense (Rob Ryan… you’re fired!) there was the nearly simultaneous dagger-ing of intramural rivals Dallas and Philadelphia. The cherry on top, was Tom Brady giving Tom Coughlin a stark lesson in “you do NOT want to let me touch the ball again!”

This week in the “Andycast” or “Sports Reporters Back from the Dead Podcast, Episode #10” – we discuss whether this was the momentary “stock market high point” of the last 10 years in Redskinsland. The only other comparable vibe of feel-good optimism was during the RG3-led hot-streak to a division title in 2012.

Sure, things could crash and burn in short order, starting with the Panthers. But for one Sunday, everything was good, Kirk was on point, the rest of the NFC East stepped on their dicks, and we were given a living breathing, actually INTERESTING season to play with for at least the next four weeks. Maybe longer.

You can’t ask for much more.

But of course, we give you more in the AndyCast, as the long awaited cold war showdown between Georgetown and Maryland reignites at XFinity Center. It only took 22 years!! Old grudges die hard. Andy explains where they started, and why the ice finally melted.


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