Sam Wyche “Cuts The Ultimate Promo” WWE Style


It may be the greatest non-action NFL highlight of all time. And while I remember when it happened, I’m gonna bet there will be at least ONE of you peeps out there who see it and say… “HOLY SHIT THAT”S AWESOME! How come I never knew about that?”

Because the 30 for 30 on it has yet to be made. Just give it time….


  1. Thanks for posting this, Czabe! It’s a tough day for us Bengal fans. The season is going up in smoke after such a good start. But this clip makes me smile. Every time. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

  2. Thanks for posting this clip, Czabe! As a Bengals fan it’s been a tough month, including last night’s debacling by the Browns. But this clip always brings a smile to my face. Every time. Thank you.

  3. From what I remember, the Bengals PA announcer did his job from field level. His son was up in a box helping him, but he liked being down on the field, gave him a better feel for the game.


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