Kiffin’s Krimson Korner – Best Video You Will See All Football Season!


I’m calling this one a BTFI video. It’s an acronym I just made up, that I hope gets some traction.

Break The F***ing Internet!

If I don’t watch and re-watch this 37 times today alone, I will have failed on my Thursday. You combine the brilliance of Tosh, the clownability of a loser like Lane Kiffin, mixed with thinly bleeped out high level vulgarity…. well… gold.

Just gold, Jerry. Gold.


  1. Oh my lord!!!! Heard about it on the show yesterday, checked it out on YouTube. God still laughing out loud with headphones on while my mother in law is sitting across the table. fantastic. Stuff.

    Keep them coming boys.

    Best reason to get out of bed in the morning, part of my morning workout and keep a few episodes for the weekend.

    Rene Rioux
    Grande Prairie Alberta Canada


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