Daily Czabe: Lavar Ball’s Half-Ass Amateur Basketball League Is Going About As Well As You Would Expect


Last summer, was the Summer of Lavar Ball. Bored in the doldrums, most of the media lapped up this screw-loose blowhard in the lead-up and the aftermath of the NBA Draft. This summer, with a potential 2nd child going pro (don’t hold your breath) the budding basketball entrepreneur is getting his JBA league off the ground. And well, it’s getting off the ground about as well as a dead body. Now is when ol’ Lavar Ball NEEDS the free airtime. Yet, it seems most everybody realizes he’s a carnival barker whose own carnival left him on the side of the road two towns ago.

Lavar Ball’s Startup Basketball League Not Exactly Selling Like Hotcakes

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  1. Did you know that all MLB umpires are rated by an automated system that determines who gets playoff games, etc.? A computer system examines their calls in every game. Used to be done by humans. How silly!


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