“My Point Is, Who Know Who Everyone Really Is?”



I wrote a long email but I scraped it because it sounded douchy.  Here’s the gist; many of us are dis-enfranchised with our own sports teams. Especially those of ours who’s d-coordinator spent the better part of a decade raping children.  (Many of our teams have had public digressions to a lessor degree).

When it comes to rooting for a flag…?  It really gives me pause.  I’m going to root for the U.S. guy who may be $18,000 in arrears on child support and a gambling degenerate betting the under on the NBA All-Star game because he lives in Cleveland, OH!?  While the Trinidad & Tobago competitor has used his meek $700 bobsledding pay to educate his 3 nieces?

My point is who knows who everyone is?  And what their value as a human being is.  I wish in an event like this we could all just enjoy the sport and hopefully our countries are mindful enough to put good human beings into the competition. #mjcoveringhisreboklogowiththeredwhiteandblue

Your show is the ONLY show I’ve ever heard that is positioned any where close to helping someone navigate an issue like this.  I’d love to hear your thoughts.

I’d prefer if you’d withhold my name.


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