His Tombstone Will Read: “Refused To Run The QB Sneak”


We’re all playcallers at heart. Let’s not kid ourselves. Ever since the invention of Madden football on Sega Genesis – hell, before that, with Strat-o-Matic Football in the 70’s! – every dummy on the couch watching football had better ideas for play calls that didn’t work out as planned, than the guys getting paid millions on NFL sidelines and in coaches boxes. In today’s Czabecast, longtime Steeler fan Jay Cottrell (aka: “The Notorious J-A-Y”) breaks down what really went wrong last Sunday, his disdain for now fired OC Todd Haley, the ref who lost his toupee, Markelle Fultz’ jump shot, and much much more!


  1. Czabe, LOVE the podcast, especially the FTG segment, but I would’ve thought your theme music would be “Sausolito Summer Nights” – hmm, hmm? And with all due respect to your moral compass (Mrs. Czabe), I love the cursing! We gone!

  2. Czabe,

    With regard to your questions at the beginning of the show, why limit yourself to just one format? Any reason this week you can’t do sports with Andy on Monday, Tech stuff on Tuesday, an in-depth interview Wednesday, silly stuff Thursday and WTF Friday? And then do something completely different next week? For me listening is like hanging out with my buddies. When we’re having a beer we don’t limit our conversations to just one thing… When I’m listening to the podcast, I just want an entertaining conversation about anything. Heck, it could be about lawn care and I’d be interested. I could always use some tips on how to not f-up my lawn.

    With regard to profanity, if it were me I’d probably save the good stuff for those special moments when it really works in your favor. …When the situation screams, “WHAT THE FUCK WAS HE THINKING”. The rest of the time I’d go with “F-ing”, “What the crap”, and other phrases where everyone knows what you mean but you’re playing nice. But that’s just me. WTF do I know?

    As always, great show and podcast.

    Tim from P’ville
    (the entertainment Mecca of mid-central Loudoun County)


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