Knock, Knock. CzabeCast Premium is Here



Maintain Your 1%’r Status

Since launching the CzabeCast at the start of 2018, one of the big questions and topics of conversation has been — how long can Czabe keep doing this for free?

Well today we’re pleased to announce the launch of CzabeCast Premium

Don’t worry, most of it will still be free.  However in order to keep the show growing and to be able to start doing some cool new things, it needs to start to generate some revenue, so we’re simply asking for some spare change every month.  It’s where the 1%’rs are going to be, and the cost of entry is less than $5 per month.

What You Get With CzabeCast Premium

Beginning on Friday, September 7th and each Friday thereafter, subscribers will get access to a subscriber-only “Football 5-Ways”.  This jam-packed episode will include everything to get you ready for the upcoming weekends on the gridiron, including:

  • The original, unduplicatable “You Are Looking Live” rundown of the weekend 1%’rs have come to know and love.
  • For the gambling degenerates among the group, Mr. X will dial in and give you his weekly picks.  Lock it up!
  • The college game tickle your fancy? We’ll have a weekly revolving cast of guest experts giving you the insights to the big games of the weekend.
  • For you fantasy nerds out there, who else but the incomparable Paul Charchian “Charch” to give you his latest fantasy tips to win the weekend.
  • And much much more.

Plus, Czabe’s going to unlock some archives from the old, old days and some other cool things including discounts on merch. What happens after the final horn on February 3, 2019, at Super Bowl LIII in Atlanta?  Well, more football of course, but we’ll also mix in some NCAA basketball and then NBA as well. But as you know, the NFL is a year-round TV show now, so it’s really “Football every day!”


Free “ALE” Coin to the First 500 Subscribers – SOLD OUT!

To sweeten the deal a bit — as if “Football 5-Ways” isn’t enough, the first 500 subscribers will get this customized, one of a kind, never to be reprinted, collectible Czabe “A.L.E.” coin.  You know me, I always vote to “Always. Leave. Early.”  But for those times when you’re struggling internally with the decision, or you’re at the game with that friend who demands to stay until the final buzzer, even though the game is well out of hand, well then you can just let the flip of the ALE coin decide your fate.

  • ALE and you’re off to the races, screeching wheels out of the parking lot.
  • STAY and you at least can tell yourself over and over while you sit in traffic that you are the world’s greatest fan.

You have to be one of the first 500 to subscribe to get your ALE coin, but you must act soon ’cause these bad boys are going fast and once they’re gone . . . they gone!  If you’re one of the first 500 to subscribe, we will send you an email to let you know and ask you to enter your mailing address.

How to Subscribe:

Subscribing is simple, just go to and fill out the form to set up your Libsyn account and enter your precious payment details. Don’t worry, you can cancel at any time. But don’t delay, those ALE coins won’t be around for long — only the first 500 subscribers get one.

The cost?  $4.99 a month. See told you it was under $5!

Your credit card will be charged each month. Don’t worry, you can cancel at any time.



Download the CzabeCast App to Listen to CzabeCast Premium & All CzabeCast Episodes

To check out the latest episodes of the CzabeCast (both the free ones Monday thru Thursday and the premium Football 5-Ways), the most convenient way is to check out the CzabeCast apps for both Android and iOS.

You can log in and unlock all the premium content with the username and password that you created when you purchased a subscription at 

Having trouble with the app? Use the app’s troubleshooting button found under Contact in the app and you can communicate directly with the developer.




  1. Just signed up. How do I know if I was one of the first 500 and if I am, how will I receive my ALE coin? There wasn’t any fields for a physical address.

    If I don’t get a coin I am going to be pissed!!!

  2. Listened in Charlotte (near turn of millennium)
    You left the market
    Listened in Richmond
    You left the air, came back
    Listened again in Richmond
    You left the air again, stumbled on you on the internet
    Listening in Richmond via Podcast
    Now happily paying the $4.99 premium
    Enjoying the dense podcast, all meat, not filler

  3. Fascinating! Love that you are trying a revenue model. Will definitely sign up, if for no other reason than to be part of the grand experiment. Do you know that, thanks to your One-On-One Sports days, you are a streaming pioneer? Listened back in the day with the Real Player over a 33Kbps dial-up, and it really, really worked Sing it with me, everybody, “One-On-One Sports Flash!”


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