“Like S*** Through A Tin Horn”

On today's episode of the CzabeCast, Clemson has risen as the new NCAA football beast, and with Trevor Lawrence locked in for 2 more years…. look out.

For once, Alabama found itself on the pavement side of a schoolyard beatdown. It was surreal. Clemson has risen as the new NCAA football beast, and with Trevor Lawrence locked in for 2 more years…. look out. Is Matt LaFleur the man who will “Make Aaron Rodgers Great Again?” We shall soon find out. Listener mailbag day, plus never chase a kidnapping victim into a karate studio.


  1. I agree with the premise of not paying college athletes and I know colleges can not sell jerseys with a “students” name on it. But when Clemson sells “16” jerseys for the next two years, the Lawrence kid should get a cut.

  2. Czabe, enjoyed the podcast today! Your comments about teams deferring picks made me think about teams that did not turn in their cards in time: 2011 Ravens, 2003 Vikings for example. (This would be a nice “remember-when” spot in a follow-up podcast, btw)

    Then, I started thinking – thanks to you – that what would happen if a team intentionally ran out of time and did not make a pick like your deferred scenario on the podcast? (Why would they want to?)

    Does it carry over to the next round? Does the pick die at the end of the draft? What would happen if team ran out of time but didn’t make the pick at the end of the 2nd day… would there be a bum-rush to get the pick in on the 3rd day when the draft officially picks back up?

    Otherwise, if a skipped/deferred pick didn’t die officially at the end of the draft, a team could without a pick could carry it into the following year. But, that wouldn’t make sense that a 7th round pick this year would get first dibs on the next year’s rookies over a standard 1st round pick.

    Thanks for putting on a solid show. Looking forward to CzabeVegas!


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