RG3 Just Had A Birthday, Now All He Needs Is A Football Team


And I need my $1,000 from Al Galdi, that weasel! Just kidding! As some may remember, I once bet my former afternoon drive co-host “One-Thousand-Dollars” that when Griffin left the Skins, another team would sign him to a deal of at least $10M in guaranteed money. I won, but barely. Griffin did get like $15M over 2 years, but was cut after one. I never got my money, but Al had an ace in the hole: I never gave him or his lovely bride a wedding gift. It was a stalemate. Truth be told, I didn’t want his many anyway. I wanted him to “bend the knee.”

Today on the CzabeCast I catch up with my ol’ drive time partner to discuss so-called baseball “analytics”, Redskins and Kirk “Cha-Cha-Cha” as well as the state of his alma mater’s basketball program: The University of Maryland.



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