The “Bald-Peen Hammer” Posterizes Donald Sterling


Give it to the skinny new kid, he did what he had to do on Tuesday. I won’t give the commish “credit” per se – I think the NBA unfairly denied the Clippers some closure by failing to suspend Sterling immediately – but when push came to shove, the NBA realized that every shred of business and credibility was pushed into the pot by Sterling.

They had to call. And the NBA was holding a pair of pocket aces. They won’t lose this one.

And now, the Board of Governors tanks will roll into Clipperland. And we’ll see just how ugly Sterling wants to make this. There will be some nutty angles in the whole sordid story yet to play out. (First thought: who lands the 1st TV interview with ol’ V. Stiviano? Oprah? Today Show?)

Does Magic move into position to snatch the team? Would that only make Sterling dig in even deeper, given the horror of the man he didn’t think was Instagram-worthy with his paid live-in whore, now OWNING the whole team?

Will some groups demand a black owner, to help erase the stain of the NBA harboring this known racist for so long? I think that’s almost a lock, even though I personally believe it’s not appropriate as a demand, only a suggestion.

I know this much: if the new owner is someday named Man of the Year by the NAACP, it might be a good idea to politely decline the award.

Just sayin’…..




  1. Wouldn’t it be a hoot if Magic Johnson took over the Clippers and beat the Lakers’ brains out for the next decade or so?


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