CzabeVegas 2016: “Scared Money, Don’t Make Money”


As you likely know by now, since I’m off the air again (I know, enough bitching folks!) I am headed to Vegas for the 7th consecutive listener-fanfest-gamblevention known as “CzabeVegas.” For everyone who will be joining me this year, I hope we can make it all live up to the hype.

Of course, hitting some big, fat, WINNERS will go a long way toward that!

If you wanted to know what the whole trip is like, I put together this compilation video from last year. It involves many fat, drunken dudes playing golf (which is our kind of thing on this trip, most people just drink and gamble).

Sadly this year, all of my “second tier” celebrities like Scott Linn, Tim Murray, Steve Solomon… and Roy Wood Jr. will not be making an appearance.

You’ll just have to settle for little ol’ me… you know, the “star” of the “Steve Czaban Show.” (/booo!)


  1. Great video Czabe. Captain Over/Under, Roy Wood Jr., and Drop That Kitty Down Low! Only thing that woulda topped it was a shot At Da Marriott!!


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