Bubba Watson Is Still A Monster Off The Tee… and An Uptight Prick


So here was his gob-smacking 424 yard moon-ball at #16 at Firestone this week.

And this week Bubba says he’s NOT going to participate in the newly re-vitalized PGA Championship long drive contest at Valhalla.


He’s a serious golfer, you know.

“I’m there to play golf, not to hit it far,” said the namesake of BubbaGolf. “I’ve got to practice. I’ve never been to the course. I don’t need to worry about a long drive on the 10th hole.”

Geez. Is it any wonder that my sources on Tour say that Bubba is secretly the LEAST liked player amongst his peers? The words I hear used a lot with Bubba are: “Phony” and “smart ass know-it-all.”

This was the same long drive contest that Jack Nicklaus once won with a persimmon missile of 341 yards and 17 inches in 1963.

Nicklaus still carries the money clip they gave out as a prize, and proudly showed it to me and Andy Pollin when we interviewed Jack at Creighton Farms in 2012.

Okay, Bubba. Go study the course.


  1. Then Mahan, Fowler, and Crane are complete pricks too, since they apparently are good friends with Bubba. I’d love to know the sources btw. Maybe it’s legit that he’s a prick (I personally find that hard to believe, since the other 3 amigos seem like fine, fun fellas and being a prick doesn’t seem to comport with his behavior at all) but jealousy and envy are mother-f’ers… and by all accounts, most guys have length envy.

    Maybe your sources are unmitigated jealous dicks. Just a thought.

  2. I see Bubba as a “first pew” kind of guy. Treats people poorly (see his rants to his caddy), thinks he’s better than everyone else and then professes his Christianity. Everything is ok because I believe in God more than others. His press conference to defend his decision was comical.


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