“I could record up to 5 hours of you guys and listen when I wanted aka, podcasting!”



I lose track on the rotating Wednesday feature, but as a LONGTIME podcaster I rarely get the opportunity to call or text in.  I wanted to give you a “Know Your Gear” that is close to home for you guys.  I would also like to declare myself as the first ever Steve Czaban Show podcaster.  My know your gear item is the XM Delphi mifi xm2go receiver.

Circa 2003, this beauty of the satellites was my ticket to the First Team on Fox channel 142.  What made this technological marvel so great was that I was able to listen to you guys in variety of ways.  On my 45 minute commute to college (not impressive), on the way to class while walking the sidewalks of Southern Illinois University, (yes it was portable, and no I did not look cool with my antenna attached to my backpack), or playing back that days recorded show on the way home.  That device as you may know had a built in “DVR.”  I could record up to 5 hours of you guys and listen when I wanted aka, podcasting!

Technically found you boys in the afternoon, and you soon moved to the mornings. Over ten years later, I have hardy missed a show since.  Though my technology has changed over the years, my passion for the show has not.  Keep up the great work!


Greg Coleman


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