“This Might Be A Dumb Question…..”


The world in general, and the world of sports in particular is a confusing, and fascinating place. So much to absorb, and so many questions by the curious mind remain unanswered.  Here are my idle musings for the week. If by chance, you DO have a good answer to any of them, then please… speak up!

TMBADQ: How come some people said that Mark Cuban was “trolling” Donald Trump by wearing #46 in the NBA “Celebrity” All-Star game? Yeah, I get it: Cuban wants to be the 46th President after Trump. But “trolling” him? Donald Trump ACTUALLY IS the president. Cuban, is literally a “wanna-be.”

TMBADQ: Why hasn’t Dustin Johnson actually MARRIED Paulina Gretzky? One child, another one coming, and the world’s #1 ranking? I mean, c’mon. Still waiting on Papa Wayne’s approval?

TMBADQ: If MLB issues special “Spring Training” uniforms and hats, how long until they make special uniforms for “Split Squad” games? Half home, half road?

TMBADQ: Is Mariah Carey still “hot?”

TMBADQ: If the guy who stole Tom Brady’s jersey is now nervous because it’s value – an estimated $500,000 – makes it a first degree Felony, and he wants to return it and apologize, but doesn’t want to be prosecuted… what’s the best way to do it? Do you hire an attorney to broker an agreement? Do you mail the jersey anonymously to the Patriots with a note: “Sorry…?”

TMBADQ: When you turn up the setting on your toaster, does it give your bread more “juice” or just cook it longer?

TMBADQ: If playing a hockey game in a huge outdoor stadium where most people can’t see shit a GOOD thing – romantic and the such – then would playing a hockey game on a flat frozen lake where people stood 100 deep all around on their frozen tip-toes be the ultimate in “PURE” devoted hockey fandom?

FLATEARTHTMBADQ: Even though I don’t believe Kyrie Irving believes the earth is flat, DO true “flat-earthers” have a unified theory about it that explains things like sunrise/sunset, orbits, tides, and the like? If so, where can I read up on this?

TMBADQ: Does Bob Huggins’ cardiologist watch West Virginia games on TV?

TMBADQ: Are their any regulations on net specs in basketball? Length? Stiffness? How loose, how tight? Brands?

TMBADQ: Should teams raise banners in their building, just for winning their Division?

TMBADQ: Is there a more obscure, little used TV announcer who has done the biggest events than Bill Macatee? The guy has done NFL games, the Olympics, golf and even the Masters. Then he just disappears for long stretches. Who does he have pictures of at CBS?

TMBADQ: How much money do those stupid phone based video games actually make? It must be a mint. This year in the SuperBowl, those commercials were all over the place! Why didn’t I invent one?

TMBADQ: Are Jim and Jeannie Buss still going to have Thanksgiving dinner together?

TMBADQ: If Tiger Woods is being told to “stay horizontal” to help his back spasms, would it be even better if he could remain at a negative incline for several hours a day?

TMBADQ: If Gary McCord was forced to shave off his fancy mustache, would he just be a failed old tour player with a bunch of corny jokes?

TMBADQ: What qualifications does a reporter have to meet, in order to be billed as an “insider?”

TMBADQ: If you were to start charging NFL Hall of Fame Voters a yearly “Committee Fee” to stay on as a voter, how much would it have to be in order to force at least half of them to resign? $500? $1000? And once we find that number, how soon can we implement it?


  1. TMBADQ: When you turn up the setting on your toaster, does it give your bread more “juice” or just cook it longer? – Cooks longer, I have answers for others but the majority are just opinions and not able to be proven as fact.

  2. TMBADQ: When you turn up the setting on your toaster, does it give your bread more “juice” or just cook it longer?

    ANSWER: Cheaper toasters time how long to keep your bread heated by using a curving metal strip. Change the number on the dial, and it’ll determine how much said strip is allowed to curve.

    Thus, to directly answer the question: those numbers do relate to how long the bread will be in the toaster for when switched on. But as for what specific amount of time to which they relate? There’s no definite answer.

  3. TMBADQ: Are their any regulations on net specs in basketball? Length? Stiffness? How loose, how tight? Brands?

    ANSWER :
    Section II—Equipment
    d. Each basket shall consist of a pressure-release NBA approved metal safety ring 18″ in inside diameter with a white cord net 15″ to 18″ in length. The cord of the net shall not be less than 30 thread nor more than 120 thread and shall be constructed to check the ball momentarily as it passes through the basket.


  4. TMBADQ: If playing a hockey game in a huge outdoor stadium where most people can’t see shit a GOOD thing – romantic and the such – then would playing a hockey game on a flat frozen lake where people stood 100 deep all around on their frozen tip-toes be the ultimate in “PURE” devoted hockey fandom?

    I’d say yes to that……and a quick story. My father in law….a Quebecer now all of 89 with a memory of a steel trap and lifelong Canadiens fan heard me complaining once on a visit up there about the cold. It was…honestly Czabe -30 degrees with none of your wind chill.

    He then regaled me with the time NHL players showed up for a local charity game, circa 1940s, like that on a frozen lake near Sherbrooke. He tells me it was -40 and the crowds was large. Best part of the story…..Rocket Richard played without a hat on…..he never forgot. Talk about when men were men!

  5. Best I can tell (& it’s very difficult as I have a degree in astrophysics) flat-earthers follow the pre-Galaleo view where the moon and sun orbit a stationary flat earth so we are a dinner plate where the sun can be above the plate or below the plate. I guess they argue at times no human on Earth can see the sun(when it is below us) and times when we all have daylight. In fairness I will admit that the last article on the subject I read, I did not finish. Could not handle it when a flat-earther proposed that gravity is an unproven theory and the Earth must be flat because how could all this water stick to a round earth? No idea how the explain, tides, seasons, pendulum motion, or why so many organizations have teamed up to trick the Human race.
    The ignorance of it all is just upsetting,

  6. Division banners: Yes, celebrate the successes. Not every team can be the Yankees, Celtics, etc.

    Gary McCord is an abomination. He’s always, ALWAYS doing shtick. It gets old, especially on a secondary event where he is a primary announcer. I fucking hate that guy. They day the Masters banned him was a day the Augusta elite where doing the Lord’s work.

  7. Toasters use a constant amount of “juice”. The Light setting vs Dark is just a different amount of time. Electric ovens do adjust the electrical current to control temperature. With microwave cooking, the microwave energy is the same same on all power settings but the duty cycle is changed. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duty_cycle)

    Curt Schilling probably asked himself that same question! Your guess is correct. Some mobile games do make a mint. A popular online game developer by the name of Supercell made 2.3 billion in revenue on 3 games in 2015 (http://venturebeat.com/2016/03/09/with-just-3-games-supercell-made-924m-in-profits-on-2-3b-in-revenue-in-2015/). You (and Curt) didn’t invent one because you are not a professional software developer.

  8. TMBADQ: Two seconds left, game tied, you are inbounding the ball 92 feet from your basket. You look over and see Coach K yelling defensive orders to his team but he is actually on the playing surface by 18 inches with both feet. You fire an overhand pass which connects with the back of his head knocking him on his nose. What is the call?

  9. TMBADQ: When you turn up the setting on your toaster, does it give your bread more “juice” or just cook it longer?

    Your toaster just toasts the bread longer. Mine is approx. 30 seconds longer for each “level”…don’t ask me how I know this…


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